Love Sick? How to Quickly Get Over a Broken Heart (And Focus on Finding Your One True Love)
Q: What is the easiest way to get over a broken heart? What if simply can't move on after a relationship is over? What can I do to get over him...
or will I always feel like I've lost my true "soulmate" forever? A: As emotional empaths and intuitive relationship advisors, the most common questions we get are from women who either have difficulty getting past a recently relationship, or are in a current relationship with someone that they don't feel 100% secure with.
(either because they aren't sure how THEY feel about their partner, or they aren't 100% sure if their partner is as committed, faithful or interested in something lifelong as well) The truth is, getting over a broken heart, and getting on with your life and meeting your one TRUE love (we all have one!) is very simple when you change your thinking up a bit.
Here is something I encourage you to try...
and the results, if you practice it, are quick, easy and quite remarkable.
First, understand THIS because it's 100% true, and it will help you overcome anything: You are here for a reason.
You are a spiritual being filled with love, light, passion and PURPOSE.
Your life has meaning, a specific mission, and a destiny that you are here to fulfill.
Next, and with that in mind, understand that you have soul-mates...
and what we like to call "partners in progress" as well.
Each relationship you have is meant to teach you something.
Every BAD relationship, every broken heart, every hurt and even the humiliations are all done by design.
They are part of your destiny.
We call these relationships partners in progress, because each of you (both you and your partner) are serving a purpose that helps the other learn, grow, flow and PROGRESS in discovering what it is that you are meant to be, and accomplish while here.
Your hurts and heartbreaks teach you exactly that.
And the people who hurt you...
are really helping you grow, and getting you one step closer to your truth.
There are no coincidences! (and a broken heart can be the very best instrument for helping you move forward that there is) When you realize that every person, every problem and every interaction you have is something that you've chosen, or is designed to help you grow emotionally, energetically and spiritually, all of a sudden your perspective changes.
You become grateful for everyone, and everything...
even the stuff that doesn't feel so good.
And if you really believe that everything happens for a reason, you allow each of these experiences to get you one step closer to where you really need to be.
(And for all of us, no matter how many pitfalls appear on the path, in the energetic embrace of that one special soul who is here JUST for us...
and US for them!)
or will I always feel like I've lost my true "soulmate" forever? A: As emotional empaths and intuitive relationship advisors, the most common questions we get are from women who either have difficulty getting past a recently relationship, or are in a current relationship with someone that they don't feel 100% secure with.
(either because they aren't sure how THEY feel about their partner, or they aren't 100% sure if their partner is as committed, faithful or interested in something lifelong as well) The truth is, getting over a broken heart, and getting on with your life and meeting your one TRUE love (we all have one!) is very simple when you change your thinking up a bit.
Here is something I encourage you to try...
and the results, if you practice it, are quick, easy and quite remarkable.
First, understand THIS because it's 100% true, and it will help you overcome anything: You are here for a reason.
You are a spiritual being filled with love, light, passion and PURPOSE.
Your life has meaning, a specific mission, and a destiny that you are here to fulfill.
Next, and with that in mind, understand that you have soul-mates...
and what we like to call "partners in progress" as well.
Each relationship you have is meant to teach you something.
Every BAD relationship, every broken heart, every hurt and even the humiliations are all done by design.
They are part of your destiny.
We call these relationships partners in progress, because each of you (both you and your partner) are serving a purpose that helps the other learn, grow, flow and PROGRESS in discovering what it is that you are meant to be, and accomplish while here.
Your hurts and heartbreaks teach you exactly that.
And the people who hurt you...
are really helping you grow, and getting you one step closer to your truth.
There are no coincidences! (and a broken heart can be the very best instrument for helping you move forward that there is) When you realize that every person, every problem and every interaction you have is something that you've chosen, or is designed to help you grow emotionally, energetically and spiritually, all of a sudden your perspective changes.
You become grateful for everyone, and everything...
even the stuff that doesn't feel so good.
And if you really believe that everything happens for a reason, you allow each of these experiences to get you one step closer to where you really need to be.
(And for all of us, no matter how many pitfalls appear on the path, in the energetic embrace of that one special soul who is here JUST for us...
and US for them!)