The Best Date Ideas in Los Angeles
- Many well-known comedians got their start at The Laugh Factory, housed in a tiny storefront on Sunset Boulevard, and famous comedians such as Dane Cook, Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock still drop in to hone their acts. Taking a date to what the Los Angeles Times called the "number one" comedy club in the world gives you a chance to catch emerging comic talent while providing your evening with a loose, fun feeling.
- If you're dating a film geek -- no shortage of those in Los Angeles -- then Blast From The Past, a vintage toy and movie memorabilia shop in Burbank, may be perfect for you. The absurdly knowledgeable staff love to talk about movies, comic books, toys and everything you thought was cool when you were 12 years old. Spend an afternoon browsing here and maybe throwing down some money for that vintage Star Wars Yoda doll.
- In Race/La, team of two travel through Los Angeles on a quest using clues, hidden in sealed envelopes. In an adventure inspired by television's The Amazing Race, you'll journey all over Los Angeles, through parts familiar and unknown, trying to be the first to finish the race. While at $85 per person the cost is on the expensive side, the race lasts six hours and is sure to provide a terrific opportunity to bond with your special someone.
- Looking for something a little more upscale and romantic? Try Geoffrey's Malibu, the oceanside dining experience that once featured the regular patronage of Frank Sinatra, Shirley MacLaine, and Lana Turner. Much of the restaurant's seating it outside, which has become a popular place to propose to one's sweetheart while taking in knock-out views on the Pacific Ocean. Geoffrey's encompasses the best of Hollywood swank and natural California beauty.
- A truly wondrous place: Calling itself "the world's most famous club for magicians," the Magic Castle only allows those visitors in possession of a hard-to-find guest card, available only from members of the club. (Best bet for finding one? Try craigslist or magicians' internet message boards.) Once inside, though, there is a pub, restaurant and a regular series of events featuring an exposition of club members. Club "knights" will also take you on a tour of the facilities, housed in a private home that resembles a castle out of Disneyland.