Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Can You Be Pregnant and Still Have a Period?

The question - "can you be pregnant and still have a period?" is a question that is often asked amongst many women.
Every month when you are trying to conceive, (myself included) and day 28, 30 or whatever day your cycle normally ends comes along you are willing your period not to come.
But then it does, however then you start asking friends or family or even searching the net in answer to the question, can you be pregnant and still have a period? Whilst it is not possible to get your period whilst you are pregnant there are certainly many women who experience bleeding The reason that it is not technically possible to get your period whilst being pregnant is because a period happens when the egg has not been fertilised.
Since ovulation does not occur when you are already pregnant and there are no un-fertilised eggs to be discarded then a period is not possible.
However, there are many of you who will have heard of someone who claims to have experienced a period or periods whilst being pregnant.
A friend of mine says her Mum had her periods the whole way through when she was carrying her and didn't even know she was pregnant! Usually when you experience bleeding in pregnancy it will be lighter than your normal period.
The blood colour usually being either brown or pink and not deep red.
So, the short answer to the question 'can you be pregnant and still have a period?' is no, but bleeding can occur.

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