Health & Medical Body building

Want to Get Ripped and Build Muscle? The 4 Basics That Will Get You Started

We all want to build muscle and fast, but we also know that it does not come easy or free, you have to work at it, but working at it needs to be done smart! The process for getting ripped is no different from the person wanting to lose weight or get in shape.
You need to have a process and understand what the body needs and wants to work in the most efficient way possible.
There are some basic pieces to the puzzle that will help you succeed.
Now, we all know there is more to it than these 4 things, but these 4 are the basic and will give you the best chance for success.
Exercise and weight lifting, nutrition, supplements and finally, mental health are all important to a successful program to build muscle.
Lets start with mental health.
Everyone thinks they are strong and can handle anything and push through any issues they have, but it is not that easy to keep your brain from convincing you do not need to work that hard or can ignore something which makes it easier.
If you go to the gym and just start pounding out reps, your chances of gaining any real momentum is slim.
The chances are greater that you will have sore muscles or do damage that takes too much time to heal between work-outs.
The key is to make sure you are mentally ready for the minor hurt and stress your body will go through to get to the point where you are building muscle and not going through the stress of trying to get those muscles strong and able to do the routines that give you the most success.
Setting up a fitness program that set goals and a defined process will help your mental stability when you feel like you are not making progress, it will give you a good feeling.
The second piece of the puzzle is the actual exercise and weight lifting.
This is of course the piece that makes bigger muscles, but unless you know what muscles and when to exercise them, you can do more damage than good.
The first thing you have to be religious about is stretching, if you do not stretch, the chances of hurting a muscle is very real and will make any muscle-building near impossible.
Stretch all muscles you are going to work in that session for about ten minutes, then start your routine.
Don't go for the most weight when you start lifting, use multiple reps and go through them quickly, your muscles will react to lighter weight and multiple reps better than heavy weights which can do damage, remember, you want to make microscopic tears in the muscle fiber so they can rebuild quickly and that's by doing more reps with lighter weights.
Also, drink lot's of water, you can lose weight fast during a work-out and your muscles need that water replaced immediately.
Drink at least 16 ounces of water for every pound you loose during a work-out, that is how much your muscles need water.
The third and just as important is nutrition! If you don't feed those muscles properly, they will not react to a work-out and give you the results you want or need for success.
The process for feeding your muscles requires lot's of protein to keep those muscles working good.
Before any work-out you need to get protein into those muscles, no matter if you choose a protein type drink, eggs, chicken, nuts or combinations of all these, just make sure you load up with protein before a work-out and after drink lot's of water and more protein.
Protein helps the muscles stay healthy and will help them rebuild after a work-out.
Any good fitness program should give you all the information to feed those muscles properly! The fourth item on the list is supplements.
Almost no one can keep up a perfect balanced diet, it just takes too much planning.
If you eat the right combinations of food to support a work-out and add supplements, you will guarantee to give your body and the muscles the best chance to build properly.
Supplements like Whey Protein, Creatine, multi-vitamins and L-Glutamine are just a few of the legal supplements that will help you with your fitness and muscle-building plan.
Don't count out Fish Oil, it has the right type of fatty acids that your muscles crave.
The most important part of this message is that and good fitness or muscle-building program should give you all the right supplements to use and how much you need to help the process.
Pick a good program that gives you these four items and much more and you'll be surprised at how easy building muscles will be!

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