Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Crossroads of a Relationship

You may ask yourself, should I stay or should I go? If you are at that point in your relationship with your girlfriend, ask yourself the following: How Happy Are You? You should be happy overall.
An honest, basic assessment of your general happiness is the guiding factor in deciding whether or not you should stay in a relationship.
If you are unhappy in the relationship, you need to decide which way to go.
Either work on it harder and try to fix things, or break up.
If you do decide to break up, you can figure you'll be sad and upset at first.
This is normal.
You need to consider your long-range happiness rather than your immediate emotional response.
If you are in the wrong relationship, short-term sadness is smarter if this means you can have longer-term happiness in a better relationship.
Could you Be Happy? Maybe you aren't happy right now but your relationship is usually pretty good.
This can be a bad period that you and your girlfriend are in.
If you think this is just a temporary situation, especially if there have been some big life changes happening that you are having to adjust to, you may want to hang on a while longer.
If there haven't been recent changes though, you should consider dwindling happiness to be a real warning sign.
A relationship that is becoming less and less satisfying is one that may need to end.
You would likely be better off starting new with someone else instead of hoping that your current situation will turn around.
Have You Told Her? You might be surprised to find that your girlfriend would be shocked that you are so unhappy.
She may genuinely not know what is wrong Ð and if she doesn't know, she can't do her part to fix things.
If you haven't told her of your concerns, you should be honest with her.
She may step up and make the relationship worth keeping.
Or she may not.
She may make a halfhearted attempt at change and then revert to past behavior.
Especially if she has the tendency to make promises to change and then fail to follow through, it is probably not smart to stick around and see if the changes actually last this time.

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