Breast Implants - Treatment Options That You Can Opt For
Breast implants allow people the ability to have full control over the shape, size, and overall appearance of their chest.
In this article, we will provide a basic outline this treatment option in hopes of informing potential patients of the options available to them.
Types Many women choose silicone due to the consensus that they tend to feel softer and smoother than other options currently available.
Because of their smooth texture, this option is many times preferable to women who have minimal area tissues or those undergoing reconstructive surgery.
There are a few alternative options currently available.
These include cohesive silicone gel, and saline.
Saline is an option that allows the overall volume of the implant to be adjusted after surgery.
The cohesive gel option is still under development, but is claimed to hold shape better that older silicone materials, while looking and feeling more natural.
Placement Placement occurs in one of three different ways: Complete submuscular placement Subglandular placement Partial sunmuscular placement These placements range from deep to shallow.
The optimum location depends on the exact size of the implants, the anatomy of the patient, and additional factors related to the patient's desires, expectations, and goals.
Incisions Insertion can occur behind the tissue or above the muscle through incisions placed by the operating physician.
Due to the fact that the operation is performed for aesthetic reasons, the incisions are made in locations designed to be as unnoticeable as possible post surgery.
In general, there are four main choices pertaining to locations: Areola Transaxillary Crease Belly Button Consultation If you are interested in pursuing implantation as an option, the first step is to find yourself a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in the procedure.
Begin by asking around to friends and family to see if they have any recommendations.
This is a great way to obtain a list of candidates.
Once you have yourself a solid list, hop online and gather as much information about the physicians as possible.
Pick your top choice and call their office to schedule an initial consultation.
Bring a list of questions and discussion topics to address at the meeting, and evaluate how the physician handles them.
After the meeting, you should have a fairly good idea of whether or not you feel comfortable working with the surgeon.
Take some time to evaluate the information.
Remember not to rush into anything, and above all, make sure you're confident in your end decision.
In this article, we will provide a basic outline this treatment option in hopes of informing potential patients of the options available to them.
Types Many women choose silicone due to the consensus that they tend to feel softer and smoother than other options currently available.
Because of their smooth texture, this option is many times preferable to women who have minimal area tissues or those undergoing reconstructive surgery.
There are a few alternative options currently available.
These include cohesive silicone gel, and saline.
Saline is an option that allows the overall volume of the implant to be adjusted after surgery.
The cohesive gel option is still under development, but is claimed to hold shape better that older silicone materials, while looking and feeling more natural.
Placement Placement occurs in one of three different ways: Complete submuscular placement Subglandular placement Partial sunmuscular placement These placements range from deep to shallow.
The optimum location depends on the exact size of the implants, the anatomy of the patient, and additional factors related to the patient's desires, expectations, and goals.
Incisions Insertion can occur behind the tissue or above the muscle through incisions placed by the operating physician.
Due to the fact that the operation is performed for aesthetic reasons, the incisions are made in locations designed to be as unnoticeable as possible post surgery.
In general, there are four main choices pertaining to locations: Areola Transaxillary Crease Belly Button Consultation If you are interested in pursuing implantation as an option, the first step is to find yourself a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in the procedure.
Begin by asking around to friends and family to see if they have any recommendations.
This is a great way to obtain a list of candidates.
Once you have yourself a solid list, hop online and gather as much information about the physicians as possible.
Pick your top choice and call their office to schedule an initial consultation.
Bring a list of questions and discussion topics to address at the meeting, and evaluate how the physician handles them.
After the meeting, you should have a fairly good idea of whether or not you feel comfortable working with the surgeon.
Take some time to evaluate the information.
Remember not to rush into anything, and above all, make sure you're confident in your end decision.