Why Women Leave Men - Paula Snyder
The reasons why women leave men are sometimes not what you think that might be. If you were in a relationship with a women and she left you, and you did not see it coming, this article is for you.
One of the main reasons why women leave men is that they are too controlling, and perhaps being a little overly opinionated. Most men don't realize they are this way because all they are trying to do is help, however, women have a different interpretation. If you show jealousy toward her family and friends, and tell her what to do or where to go and who to hang out with, or maybe you even tell her how to spend her money. All of these will make her want to run in the opposite direction.
She had a life before she met you and she can still manage her own time and money without your help. There are situations in which she may want your input or advice, but otherwise, don't be pushy with it. Give her space and let her make her own decisions.
The next one is being too critical. A little constructive criticism can be positive. Although suggestions are generally considered acceptable, particularly if she asks for them, putdowns and negative are unacceptable in her eyes. Constantly correcting her will make her feel nitpicked and self-conscious. Smart women know that they should not spend time with a man who puts her down.
Another one is not having a life of your own, maybe you sulk when she tells you that she has plans to go out with her friends. Women interpret this as being needy. It is a popular belief that women are clingy and needy, however, men do the same thing. For any relationship to be healthy each partner must have his or her own life.
To me, this next one is a no brainer, however, you would be surprised that many men do not get this, and that is you must dress appropriately, keep up to date on styles. If you do not know how to dress, get magazines for men and see how the men are dressed, and any department store has clerks there to assist you, ask their advice on what looks good on you. If you were glasses, make sure they are the latest style that flatter your face. Believe it or not, this could be a deal breaker for a woman.
Shirts altered by scissors could also be a deal breaker for a woman. I do not know a woman alive that thinks this type of attire is attractive. The point being is, you want her to dress appropriately and you need to do the same thing.
Another popular reasonwhy women leave men is because they are judgmental of her friends and family. You have to understand that these people are important to her and that she'll be very defensive about them. Try to see the good things in them, you might actually start to like them, avoid confrontation with them. Do your best to get along with those closest to her. It will pay off in the long run.
Now that you know why women dump men, find out how to get them back forever!
One of the main reasons why women leave men is that they are too controlling, and perhaps being a little overly opinionated. Most men don't realize they are this way because all they are trying to do is help, however, women have a different interpretation. If you show jealousy toward her family and friends, and tell her what to do or where to go and who to hang out with, or maybe you even tell her how to spend her money. All of these will make her want to run in the opposite direction.
She had a life before she met you and she can still manage her own time and money without your help. There are situations in which she may want your input or advice, but otherwise, don't be pushy with it. Give her space and let her make her own decisions.
The next one is being too critical. A little constructive criticism can be positive. Although suggestions are generally considered acceptable, particularly if she asks for them, putdowns and negative are unacceptable in her eyes. Constantly correcting her will make her feel nitpicked and self-conscious. Smart women know that they should not spend time with a man who puts her down.
Another one is not having a life of your own, maybe you sulk when she tells you that she has plans to go out with her friends. Women interpret this as being needy. It is a popular belief that women are clingy and needy, however, men do the same thing. For any relationship to be healthy each partner must have his or her own life.
To me, this next one is a no brainer, however, you would be surprised that many men do not get this, and that is you must dress appropriately, keep up to date on styles. If you do not know how to dress, get magazines for men and see how the men are dressed, and any department store has clerks there to assist you, ask their advice on what looks good on you. If you were glasses, make sure they are the latest style that flatter your face. Believe it or not, this could be a deal breaker for a woman.
Shirts altered by scissors could also be a deal breaker for a woman. I do not know a woman alive that thinks this type of attire is attractive. The point being is, you want her to dress appropriately and you need to do the same thing.
Another popular reasonwhy women leave men is because they are judgmental of her friends and family. You have to understand that these people are important to her and that she'll be very defensive about them. Try to see the good things in them, you might actually start to like them, avoid confrontation with them. Do your best to get along with those closest to her. It will pay off in the long run.
Now that you know why women dump men, find out how to get them back forever!