Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Priceless Celebrations Of Mother" s Day

A mothers love for her child triumphs all the impossibilities, knows no bounds and no rule, defeating everything callously hindering its way. This is an unbound love and dedication of a mother for her children.
Celebrating the mothers day involves activities of fun and gaiety. You need to stretch your creativity and imagination in order to make this day beautiful, happy and memorable for yourself. The world celebrates this day by throwing parties, giving gifts and sending greeting cards to a special family member. This is a special day dedicated to all the mothers of the world and celebrating the motherhood.
This day has its origin in ancient Roman and Greek times. The roots can be traced back to United Kingdom. In United Kingdom, Mothering Sunday was celebrated as a religious festival. In Rome, it was held in the honor of the mother goddess Cybele. When Europe and Roman Empire adopted Christian religion, the Mothering Sunday became a part of liturgical calendar and to honor the Virgin Mary. In the history of this day, two pioneering women, Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis made sincere efforts to make this day memorable and dedicate it to celebrating motherhood. On May 8th 1914, the US President Woodrow Wilson signed a Resolution for having a day dedicated to the motherhood. Since that time the people across the globe have celebrated this day with great fun.
In the present era, the day is made the most memorable one by organizing parties or touring to the places of historical monuments, sending gifts and flowers. Preparing a mothers greeting card on this Special Day is a wonderful gesture of your love and expression. You can prepare a handmade greeting card that gives a sense of personal touch. A person can choose to play with numerous colors, designs and patterns. You can even draw a picture of your mother caring for you. An online card can be created with pop-ups and interactive animation which brings a smile on your mothers face. Inviting your mothers friends for a surprise party and preparing gifts for them is a task of great fun. These are different ideas for making this day momentous.

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