How to Stop Snoring With a Chinstrap
I found out how to stop snoring by using a chinstrap.
It's a great product for people who snore as much as I used to.
I've snored for many years and my wife was getting a little annoyed with my snoring and my kids liked to make fun of me about it.
I also used to get tired during the day and I never knew why? I didn't experience being too moody to often like some people do.
But occasionally I was a little cranky due to being so tired.
Once I used to work as a delivery driver, so it was quite hard sometimes to get so tired during the day for no apparent reason.
I had a friend who had experienced the same thing and he told me it was his snoring causing his problem.
I wasn't aware that a lack of quality sleep was what was behind my tiredness during the day.
So I started to look at what options I had to put and end to my problem.
My research told me that snoring had a lot of health issues connected to it, so I was keen to see if I could find out how to stop snoring.
I think long term we all know how much a lack of sleep can affect our health.
I could see a few things I could try first which didn't involve much cost and should show some benefits right away.
I moved my position in bed so I would lay on my side and elevated my head a little.
According to my wife it maybe helped a little.
She wasn't sure if I was quieter, but I was still snoring.
So it was time to look at something else that could help me.
I came across two things that interested me, one was a mouthpiece and the other was an article on exercises for your throat.
The exercises were going to strengthen the throat area and thus put an end to my problem.
I could see the logic there but getting around to doing it was hard.
I also learnt how to find out what type of snorer I was.
I found the exercises where you try to make snoring sounds when you have your nose blocked and when you have your mouth closed.
It will determine what type you are, so I found out.
Once I found out it was my mouth and not my nose causing my problem I decided to have a look at a mouthpiece.
The idea with this is that it will move your bottom jaw forward just a little, and thus prevent you tongue from falling back.
A lot of the time our problem is caused by our tongue falling back into our throat.
But wearing one of these all night wasn't to appealing to me, I used to find them uncomfortable when I was younger and playing football.
they always seemed to annoy my gums.
Luckily for me I came across the chinstrap one day, the cost was minimal and it seemed like it worked for a good percentage of the people who used it.
I thought at the price it was worth a go! Before I bought it I tried the exercise again of holding my mouth closed and breathing through my nose.
I didn't make any noise at all, so it seemed to me that a product that would keep my mouth closed may just be what I was looking for.
I didn't find it uncomfortable to wear, but the great thing was my wife reported that I was as quiet as a mouse.
I also knew that it must be working as I wasn't getting tired during the day like I had in the past.
The great thing was the results were immediate.
It's been 2 years now since I purchased the chinstrap, actually I've purchased a couple as when they stretch they don't work so well.
But for me it worked when other things didn't.
It seems to me that different methods work for different people, so you need to keep looking until you find the right one for you.
It's a great product for people who snore as much as I used to.
I've snored for many years and my wife was getting a little annoyed with my snoring and my kids liked to make fun of me about it.
I also used to get tired during the day and I never knew why? I didn't experience being too moody to often like some people do.
But occasionally I was a little cranky due to being so tired.
Once I used to work as a delivery driver, so it was quite hard sometimes to get so tired during the day for no apparent reason.
I had a friend who had experienced the same thing and he told me it was his snoring causing his problem.
I wasn't aware that a lack of quality sleep was what was behind my tiredness during the day.
So I started to look at what options I had to put and end to my problem.
My research told me that snoring had a lot of health issues connected to it, so I was keen to see if I could find out how to stop snoring.
I think long term we all know how much a lack of sleep can affect our health.
I could see a few things I could try first which didn't involve much cost and should show some benefits right away.
I moved my position in bed so I would lay on my side and elevated my head a little.
According to my wife it maybe helped a little.
She wasn't sure if I was quieter, but I was still snoring.
So it was time to look at something else that could help me.
I came across two things that interested me, one was a mouthpiece and the other was an article on exercises for your throat.
The exercises were going to strengthen the throat area and thus put an end to my problem.
I could see the logic there but getting around to doing it was hard.
I also learnt how to find out what type of snorer I was.
I found the exercises where you try to make snoring sounds when you have your nose blocked and when you have your mouth closed.
It will determine what type you are, so I found out.
Once I found out it was my mouth and not my nose causing my problem I decided to have a look at a mouthpiece.
The idea with this is that it will move your bottom jaw forward just a little, and thus prevent you tongue from falling back.
A lot of the time our problem is caused by our tongue falling back into our throat.
But wearing one of these all night wasn't to appealing to me, I used to find them uncomfortable when I was younger and playing football.
they always seemed to annoy my gums.
Luckily for me I came across the chinstrap one day, the cost was minimal and it seemed like it worked for a good percentage of the people who used it.
I thought at the price it was worth a go! Before I bought it I tried the exercise again of holding my mouth closed and breathing through my nose.
I didn't make any noise at all, so it seemed to me that a product that would keep my mouth closed may just be what I was looking for.
I didn't find it uncomfortable to wear, but the great thing was my wife reported that I was as quiet as a mouse.
I also knew that it must be working as I wasn't getting tired during the day like I had in the past.
The great thing was the results were immediate.
It's been 2 years now since I purchased the chinstrap, actually I've purchased a couple as when they stretch they don't work so well.
But for me it worked when other things didn't.
It seems to me that different methods work for different people, so you need to keep looking until you find the right one for you.