Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Get My Girlfriend Back - Some Tips For the Heartbroken Men

Any guy who gets dumped by a girlfriend who they really cared about wants to know the answer to "how to get my girlfriend back.
" Well, the kind of good news is, if your girlfriend broke up with you, you're not alone.
Statistically speaking, it's bound to happen at some point in your life.
While that may be very little consolation right now, it is something you need to let sink in.
You're not the only one who ever had a girl break up with you.
The good news is, you've at least come this far and you're actually seeking help and a legitimate answer to "how to get my girlfriend back.
" This truly does work in your favor.
Because unfortunately, many guys just try to "wing" it and this is where they really screw up.
If you're serious about getting your girlfriend back, which, as stated, you're here, so you must be, then you need to not go with your emotions and gut reactions.
A lot of guys want to get their girlfriend back after they break up with them.
When you're asking yourself about how to get my girlfriend back, your mind and emotions at this point can actually be an enemy to you.
Some guys try to go over the edge of being Mr.
Nice Guy.
They try to buy their ex-girlfriend (yeah that word stings, but the first step is admitting she isn't your girlfriend anymore, she's your ex.
) lots of presents.
They find mushy cards and send to them.
They send flowers.
They send sweet emails or text messages or Facebook messages.
On the surface, when looking for information on how to get my girlfriend back, the above may sound good to you.
Unfortunately, your relationship is past that stage.
That's too little too late.
It doesn't sound fair, but it's the way the female mind works.
Perhaps if you had done more of that before she broke up with you, you wouldn't be in this situation.
However, this isn't the time to start blaming yourself for the past either.
As far as what you did or didn't do within the relationship is in the past.
The only thing you can affect now is the present and the future.
One of the best answers to how to get my girlfriend back, and this is going to be very difficult for you to do, is to cut off all communication and connections with her.
Yes, this advice probably goes against your gut reactions and what your natural instincts tell you to do right now.
It's natural you want to tell her all that sentimental stuff like how much you miss her, how much she means to you, etc...
RESIST this temptation at all cost.
If you've already done such things in your attempts to get your ex girlfriend back, don't worry, all is not lost.
You must stop what you're doing immediately and stop all contact with her.
This means no texting, no emails, no instant messages, no going to places on purpose that you know she'll be so you can "run into her", and no Facebook.
This will allow you both some cooling off time.
Another key piece of knowledge to the question of how to get my girlfriend back is knowing that you can't get her back from a position of weakness.
If you're constantly trying to contact her and "win" her back, that's exactly what you're doing.
You seem weak and clingy to her, and this will help her justify in her mind, why it was best to break up with you in the first place.
After you've cut off contact with her, strict cut off for two weeks to a month, she will more than likely wonder what happened to you.
Chances are, if you listen and keep the no contact rule, she will get in touch with you somehow.
If and most likely, when she does, you have to play it cool.
You have to still resist the urges to tell her how much you miss her, and all the other sentimental stuff.
In fact, it's best if you sound almost aloof about her contacting you.
In the very small likelihood she does not contact you after two weeks to a month, then and only then can you take it into your hands.
Just send her a very brief message or call her.
No matter which you choose, make sure you tell her that you only have a few minutes, because you're ready to walk out the door.
Even if you're really not ready to walk out the door, give her a set time period you have to talk and stick to it.
Five minutes means five minutes.
Keep it brief; just ask her how she's doing, what she's up to.
Try to make her laugh with a funny story that happened during the blackout communication period.
Play it by ear.
She will most likely, so long as everything goes smoothly, want to keep up communication with you.
No matter whether she breaks the communication blackout first or you do, make sure you take it slow.
Make sure she is the one initiating the communication from that point on.
Make her chase you, not the other way around.
Don't try to jump back into a relationship with her right away.
It's understood that because you want to know how to get my girlfriend back, this is your ultimate goal.
You still don't want to scare her off.
You were searching for information on how to get my girlfriend back.
The above, if you truly follow it, should greatly help you accomplish your goal.
It's not easy.
The easy thing is to keep in touch with her.
In the end, you're more likely to get better results with following the advice of this article, rather than getting some instant gratification by keeping in touch with her.
Think long term happiness when you feel tempted to get in touch with her.

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