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How to Make Your Own Solar Energy

    The Steps to Making a Homemade Solar Panel

    • 1). Making the Base

      The first step to building a solar panel is to make a base to affix the cells to. Begin by laying out about 80 solar cells on the floor (this will give you app. 100 watts of power). Once you see how large you'll need to cut the plywood, cut it a bit bigger than the layout. Next, spray it with a good UV protector ( a spray that will protect the wood from sun damage much like sunscreen helps to protect your skin), to keep the base in tip-top shape no matter what the weather.

    • 2). Create a Circuitry Board

      In order to produce the ampage and voltage you need to run your home's appliances, you will need to join your solar cells together into a circuitry board. How you arrange the rows of cells is up to you; just be sure that the blue side of the cell is facing the sun and always leave about 1/4 inch of space between cells.

    • 3). Make a Backing Board

      Once the cells are laid out in the pattern you like most (this is for aesthetic reasons only; the layout will not affect your power at all), measure the dimensions of the rows so that you know how large to cut the backing board to adhere them to.

    • 4). Cut a Glass Cover

      Next, measure the outside of the backing board to determine how large to cut the outer glass to cover and protect your solar cells. Be sure to include measurements for a 2-inch ventilation spacer and center supports.

    • 5). Wiring the Individual Cells

      Begin the wiring process by arranging the cells facedown on the backing board. You should notice small tabs on the backs of each cell. This is where you will drop a small amount of solder (melted lead used to join metal together and is dispensed using a special pen-like gun) to make it easier to hold down the copper wire.

      Once arranged, the tabs on the backs of your cells should form a line on the top and the bottom. Remember: The top tabs are negative and the bottom tabs are positive leads.

      Next, gently press a copper wire onto the solder drops you just made. Re-heat it with your soldering iron to bond the tab and connect the negative tabs together. Repeat for each tab. It is best to use different colored wire for negative and positive leads to avoid confusion.

    • 6). Joini the Cells

      Once you have completed wiring each cell individually, the next step will involve joining the cells making sure that the positive and negative wires never touch. Otherwise, your system may not work.

    • 7). Adhering Cells to the Backing Plywood

      Use just enough silicone caulking to get the cells to stick to your backing board. Next, gently feed the wires through the back of the plywood, using a single hole for two cells (one facing right and one facing left).

    • 8). Connect the Wires

      Once all the cells are glued onto your plywood and the wires have been threaded through the backing holes, you will need to begin wiring the like-colored wires together. All these wires will later be connected to a junction box outside the panel.

    • 9). Protect Your Panel from the Weather

      At this point you may want to adhere another piece of treated plywood to the back of this backer piece to keep it out of the weather.

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      Connecting the Leads to the Battery Bank

      With all the same-colored leads joined, you will need to connect the positive and negative leads to a single wire that leads to the system's battery.

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      Cover the Panel
      It's time to cover the front of your panel with protective glass to keep your cells safe from the weather. Be sure to seal the panel carefully with aluminum sealer strips and make a few drainage holes to help moisture drain.

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      Connect the Charge Controller

      The final step to building your new solar panel is to join the electrical wire to the copper wires so you can then connect the charge controller to the battery to keep your system from overcharging.

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