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Do You Want the Best Tinkerbell Fancy Dress Costume at the Party?

Tinkerbell fancy dress is a really popular choice of costume among little girls and grown women alike.
Probably because there's still a little girl inside all females! Tinkerbell costumes allow us to indulge our fairy fantasies and childhood dreams of wings and magic wands.
Tinkerbell fancy dress costumes are also so popular due to the well-known classic tale of Peter Pan and all the later spin-offs.
Most children were read the tale of Peter Pan, by author J.
Barrie, and there have been numerous movies made of the story, including the 2003 Hollywood blockbuster Peter Pan movie.
Another popular movie based around the Peter Pan characters was the 1991 Steven Spielberg movie called Hook, featuring Robin Williams, Julia Roberts and Dustin Hoffman.
In the Hook movie Peter Pan is grown up and living in the real world, when Captain Hook kidnaps his children.
The adult Peter Pan (Robin Williams) then has to return to Neverland and re-find his youthful spirit in order to take on his old enemy.
Julia Roberts plays Tinkerbell in this movie.
In the original Peter Pan story the children of the Darling family have a visit from Peter Pan, who takes them to Never Never Land where there is an ongoing war with the evil pirate, Captain Hook, taking place.
Tinkerbell is a tiny fairy that leaves a trail of sparkling fairy dust wherever she goes.
Tinkerbell is a tinker fairy that makes and fixes things.
She is often bad-tempered and mean, but at other times she is sweet and helpful, and kind to Peter.
These extremes in her nature are explained in the original novel by the fact that a fairy's small size prevents her from being able to have more than one feeling at a time.
These characteristics make for some fantastic costume ideas, as you can either be a kind Tinkerbell or a mean Tinkerbell.
If you prefer to dress up as the sweet, happy fairy Tinkerbell then your costume should consist of a short, lime green dress with matching fairy wings and some fairy dust (or pixie dust as Disney call it) to throw around.
Just get some glitter or silver sparkle decorations for this.
The fairy dust is supposed to enable others to fly when Tinkerbell sprinkles it over them.
There are plenty of official Tinkerbell fancy dress costumes available to buy but if you want to make your own there is a huge selection of fairy wings available to buy online, so you can add them to a costume of your own creation.
There are also plenty of other fairy costumes available to buy if you fancy wearing a different colour to the original Tinkerbell green.
If you want to dress as the mean Tinkerbell, or make an anti-Tinkerbell statement, the obvious choice is to go for black or dark colours.
This is a great costume idea for Halloween, and you can even get a "Tinkerspell" costume ready-made.
To make your own wear a black or grey short fairy dress and get some dark wings.
Add to the effect by wearing some ripped up tights and dark make-up.
If you want to add accessories to a kind Tinkerbell outfit wear matching stripy tights and get a wand.
You can make your Tinkerbell costume as pretty or as sexy as you want by varying the length of the dress and either wearing high heels or flat ballet pumps.
The choices are varied but if you want the best Tinkerbell fancy dress costume at the party be sure to look around and spend as much money on a costume as your budget allows.
Do some research, get some pictures of Tinkerbell and make sure you look the part to indulge your fairy fantasies.

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