Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

The Smoking Gun To Improving Your Game

It is an obvious fact that some men fail miserably when it comes to girls.
Even before they utter the first word, the girl they are interested in is already halfway out the door.
You are probably one of these men and in most nights you find yourself asking what is wrong with you or did you do something wrong.
Then you find yourself wishing that there were a secret formula to send girls running towards you.
You wish that you had a special phrase that you can utter that guarantees you a date.
All these wishes may seem impossible, but in reality, it is possible only in a different context.
What I am going to share to you is a guarded secret that most successful PUAs keep.
At first, you may find this so-called smoking gun ridiculous, but as you apply it in your day-to-day encounter with women, you will notice that it is truly effective.
They always say that practice makes perfect, which is indeed true.
However, in this technique, you do not only practice by putting yourself in the same situation repeatedly but you also practice with your imagination.
This is what you call visual rehearsal.
You imagine what will happen in the bar.
You imagine the words that you are going to say, the moves that you are going to make, and her reaction.
This technique is very effective because the brain learns through repetition.
The more you repeat it the more the brain remembers it.
This is why you must think positively and imagine perfect moments in order for you to be able to carry out what you have rehearsed mentally.
Visual rehearsal is not only applicable before going out.
You can also do this after the event has taken place.
After a wild night at the club, you can lie on your bed and picture out what previously transpired.
However, this time take note of the mistakes you did and take note of the circumstances wherein you could have done something more impressive.
You may not notice it at first, but the more you do visual rehearsal the better you become at attracting and hooking up with women.

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