Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Products to Remove Mold


    • Bleach is an abrasive solution that will kill any mold that it comes in contact with. According to Mold Removal Facts, it is best for removing mold from non-porous surfaces, such as those made of ceramic tiles and glass. Alternatively, it will not be as effective against mold that is growing in porous materials, such as wood and drywall. For best results, make a solution of one cup of bleach per one gallon of water, and apply to the affected areas. Make sure that the room you are cleaning in is well ventilated, and that you wear protective gloves during application. Another option for removing mold is to use a bleach-based, brand-name cleaning agent.

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    • Hydrogen peroxide is another mold-fighting chemical. According to Eco Village Green, for best results you should mix a half-cup of the peroxide with one cup of warm water, and apply the solution to the affected materials. Alternatively, you could use a hydrogen peroxide-based, brand-name cleaning product.


    • A less expensive and likely more readily available natural product for cleaning mold is vinegar. According to Care 2, white, distilled vinegar is the best option, and you should apply it undiluted to the affected areas. Unfortunately, a vinegary smell will likely linger on the material you clean. For optimal results, put up with the smell and allow the vinegar to soak in (it should disappear in a few hours).

    Grapefruit Seed Extract

    • Grapefruit seed and other citrus extracts are also good choices for cleaning mold, according to Eco Village Green. Try mixing about 20 drops of the extract with two cups of water, and then spray the solution onto the affected area and let dry. You should be able to find these extracts at a local health food or nutrition store.

    Tea Tree Oil

    • Another mold-cleaning agent you can find at a nutrition store is tea tree oil. In addition to attacking the mold, the substance will also attack other microbial growths. For best results, mix a teaspoon of the oil with two cups of water, spray it onto the affected areas and let dry. Keep in mind that the scent of this oil will linger for a day or two.

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