Home & Garden Pest Control

Getting Rid of Fleas in Your Home Is Easy Using a Couple of Hard Hitting Proven Methods

To really have 100% success in getting rid of fleas in your home, you have to adopt a hard hitting, no nonsense approach in order to totally outsmart these nasty little parasites.
You will not get them gone over night but, with the right help and guidance and clever use of products you will get rid of them.
For anyone, getting rid of fleas in your home is not a nice thing to have to think about.
It is a common occurrence for a lot more people than you might imagine but, quite understandably is one of those things that you really do not want to shout about.
But, just remember that you are not alone in having to wage war against the hopping hordes.
If you have animals, maybe a cat, dog, rabbit or even a chicken or two, you find that you are more susceptible in having to deal with fleas.
There are some people who are quick to point a finger and blame your pets but, it is really no fault of your furry friends the problem lies with the fact that all warm blooded vertebrates make the perfect meal for these tiny unwanted terrors and that includes you too.
Not the most pleasant of thoughts but, this is why no matter how clean and tidy you may be that no one is ever immune in having to deal with eradicating them at some point.
Now I know I said that you have to outsmart them to get them gone, obviously they are not highly intelligent when it comes to thought processes but, what they have done is adapted and evolved over time to become very resilient in order to ensure survival.
So, having established that, how do you best go about sorting them out once and for all? It may help to understand a little of their lifecycle so that you can see why you have to treat them in a particular way to ensure they stay dead and gone from your home.
They have a four stage lifecycle from egg, larva, and pupa through to adult.
Once the female has had a good meal on either you or one of your pets then she will begin the business of laying eggs and this can be on her chosen host (ideally in your pets fur or your hair) or in nooks and crannies around your house.
The eggs will either stay where they are laid or drop off anywhere your furry friend roams where they start to develop totally unseen.
So, what needs to happen is this 1.
You must kill the adults and 2.
You have to prevent the eggs and larva from developing any further.
into full grown adults) otherwise the whole vicious cycle starts again.
By using a flea trap and a combination of thorough vacuuming, powders, drops and collars for your animals you will soon make the problem a thing of the past.
Getting rid of fleas in your home might take a little patience but, it will happen and you will be flea free before you know it.

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