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Easy Ways to Get Water Stains out of Suede

    What To Do Right Away

    • If you get a suede piece of furniture or clothing wet, treat the material right away to prevent water stains from forming. First, don't try to dry it with a hair dryer. Lay the item on a flat surface and blot the fresh moisture with an absorbent paper towel.Blot the outside and inside (if possible) of the item, absorbing as much of the moisture as possible. Continue until there is no more moisture to absorb. This is an important step to prevent a stain from appearing. However, if the water sits for too long the fabric will bet stained.

    Brushing Off Water Stains

    • If the stain has already set, use a suede or soft bristle brush to lightly brush over the stain. Be gentle and use a circular motion until the stain disappears. If it persists, apply a small amount of mild detergent to the brush and continue brushing. If you don't have a brush or if brushing doesn't work, use a wash cloth or soft emery board and carefully attempt to buff out the stain. This method is generally best for clothing or suede boots.

    Vinegar Treatments

    • Vinegar treatments are a popular and effective method of removing water stains from suede. Use it only if you don't mind a linger odor of vinegar, or use it for items such as suede boots that will pick up other smells and mask the smell of vinegar. Let the item dry completely and soak a paper towel with plain white vinegar. Rub the towel softly across the stain and let the item dry again. Next, apply a suede conditioner to prevent your suede from Èover-dryingÈ after being treated with the vinegar.

    Drying Suede

    • Drying water-stained suede after treatment is just as important as treating the suede. Improper drying can lead to larger, more prominent stains. Never apply direct heat to your suede. Putting your your suede item in a clothes dryer or blasting it with hot air from a hair dryer can damage your suede. If you're drying an item such as a hat or shoes, stuff it with newspaper, spreading the paper as evenly as possible. This will allow the item to dry evenly and to keep its form. If it's a large item such as a couch, apply an even layer of towels or absorbent paper towels on top to evenly soak up the water. Place the item in the sun or a well ventilated area to air dry with newspapers or paper towels on it. After your suede item has dried, treat it with a suede waterproofing spray and do this several times a year to prevent water stains in the future.

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