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How to Create Sexual Tension With a Woman - Tease Her to Please Her

One of the hardest things for any nice guy to do is to learn how to create sexual tension with a woman.
Most nice guys, when they hear what works to create that kind of tension with a woman, balk as if that could not possibly be the way that they should go about it.
So, the typical nice guy keeps on doing what he has always been doing, and then he wonders why he keeps on getting nothing but the same, "I just don't feel that way about you," kind of responses from women they want to be with.
Fact is, if you are going to balk at learning how to create sexual tension with a woman, then you might as well as balk at the idea of having a satisfying love life and a sensational sex life.
You can debate in your mind all you want about whether or not this works, the guys that know it does will end up with the beautiful girls on their arms, while all you have is the beautiful girls in your mind.
If you want to create sexual tension, then you have to learn how to tease her to please her...
This is what catches most nice guys and serious intellectuals off guard about sexual attraction.
They try to ignore the fact that sometimes, it is the simple things that work best.
Teasing a woman works well almost all of the time, as long as you know how to tease her the right way.
Meaning, you want to know when to really bust her chops and when to pull back so that you don't say something that crosses the line.
This is something that really is best learned from experience, so you have to actually get out there and practice a little bit before you can expect to get really good results.
Sometimes, in the beginning, you might cross that line a little bit and that is okay, because one of the other skills that you need to have is how to recover and not lose any points in her eyes.
Humor is one of the more effective techniques that a guy can use to woo a woman...
The cool thing about creating sexual tension with a woman, is that it gives you a chance to really polish up your skills at making her laugh.
This helps out a lot, because the more you can make a woman laugh, the more likely it is that she will want to end up spending intimate time with you.
Most guys are out there trying to be smooth.
They are trying to come across as being the perfect guy.
All you really need to do is to learn how to use laughter to make her feel really connected to you, and then how to use sexual tension to build her up so she feels like she just wants to "be" with you.

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