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How to Make Children's Tambourines

  • 1). Punch five evenly spaced holes around the perimeter of one of the paper plates.

  • 2). Place the punched paper plate directly on top of the other paper plate. Mark the placement of the punched holes onto the plate that is not yet punched.

  • 3). Punch a hole through each pencil mark in the second plate.

  • 4). Flip both plates over so the domed part of each plate is facing up.

  • 5). Paint any design onto the plates. Allow the paint to dry.

  • 6). Put the plates together with the painted sides facing out and the holes aligned.

  • 7). Place a jingle bell onto one of the twist ties. Slide the jingle bell to the middle of the twist tie and twist the ends to secure the bell in place.

  • 8). Place one end of the twist tie through both paper plates using one of the sets of punched holes. Twist the two ends of the twist tie together to hold it in place.

  • 9). String the four remaining jingle bells onto each of the four remaining twist ties and place the twist ties through the holes of the paper plates.

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