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The Highs and Lows of IVF

Many couples dream about just how wonderful it will be to be surprised with an easy conception, but not everyone gets the chance to live out that dream.
For many couples, conceiving can be a struggle, but it is not something that they want to give up on.
Sometimes, all they need is a little bit of help.
The help that might be best is that of IVF, or In Vitro Fertilization.
While there are many benefits to this procedure, which obviously includes that of reproducing, there are many downfalls as well.
This is not an easy task to take on.
It requires a lot of emotional and mental strength.
It is at the point where talks of IVF begin, that couples really sit down to think about whether they want to reproduce that bad.
After all, going through IVF can be a terrible roller coaster ride of emotions.
For the couples that insist they want to reproduce, IVF is a great way to go.
It is important to know that this is not a guaranteed procedure.
In fact, there is just as great of a chance that it is not going to yield positive results, as it is to yield them.
This is where couples really need to make sure that they are sitting down with the fertility specialist to understand what they are facing.
If IVF is a success, it will be the most rewarding experience of their lives.
If the IVF fails, it can be so emotionally draining that couples often face troubles within their own relationship.
Some of the things that you will most likely have to deal with would be that of feelings of shame, anxiety, anger, depression and guilt.
These are feelings that are often brought into the treatment from the beginning because by this point, the couple has struggled a long time with infertility issues.
There are also many new procedures that will have to be gone through.
Some couples are forced to travel outside of their state or their home country in order to receive the best IVF program possible.
With IVF, there are also some fertility drugs that will trigger some very unpredictable emotions in the women.
Then, on top of all of that, you have the financial stress that IVF can bring, as it is not always covered by medical insurance.
In fact, it has been found that in the United States, only 20% of the IVF procedures done qualify for any sort of medical insurance reimbursement.
With bills reaching up to $60,000 or more, this is something you have to prepare for.
Of course, there are many women who get lucky and are able to conceive right away, reducing the overall cost of IVF.
In the end, the great thrill is to finally conceive, so if this is your goal, then anything and everything you have to go through will be worth it in the end.

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