Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Carburetor Cleaning Instructions

    • 1). Remove the carburetor from the vehicle by following the instructions outlined by the owner's manual of your respective vehicle.

    • 2). Take the carburetor apart and place the pieces on top of rags. Use a wrench and a screwdriver

      to remove all screws and bolts from the carburetor.

    • 3). Cover all of the parts with carburetor cleaner and wipe them down with a rag. Remove any residue or build-up with a tooth pick.

    • 4). Soak any pieces of the carburetor with stubborn stains in a half carburetor cleaner and half water solution–allow the pieces to soak for three hours.

    • 5). Remove the pieces of the carburetor from the solution and wipe off with a rag.

    • 6). Put the pieces of the carburetor back together and tighten all bolts and screws to completely reassemble the clean carburetor. Once you have reassembled the carburetor reinstall it in the vehicle by following the installation instructions that are found in your vehicle's owner's manual.

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