Five Don"ts in YouTube Promotion
Wanting to get your YouTube video noticed is a good thing, most of the publishers there want to get a huge amount of views so they enter the partner affiliate program.
However, many novice publishers are far too heavy-handed with their YouTube promotion, leading to very bad results.
If you want to really impress your audience and do superior YouTube promotion, then make sure you aren't doing any of the following.
Overusing Annotations Having one or two annotations in your video isn't a bad thing, it can actually be funny or informative.
The problem comes in when you have a screen full of annotations, or you have an annotation pop up every few seconds.
It gets distracting, and people are going to leave your video.
So cool it, and limit your annotations to about two or three per video.
Don't Rehash Videos This is especially true if you have TV commercials, but any YouTube publisher can learn from this.
When you are trying to perform successful YouTube promotion, don't upload videos that rehash your older content, this is rarely going to get you any views.
Always provide great, new content to secure the most views.
Don't Prevent Embedding When you upload to YouTube you are able to prevent embedding, and some publishers may see this as a good thing.
You are able to secure your video's position on YouTube, not someone else's website, so you can be sure to get the credit for your work.
However, proper YouTube promotion can only be done through embedding, because this allows people to syndicate your content, which gets you more views and more backlinks.
Besides, if someone wants to embed your video that much, they can do it anyway.
So all you are really doing is wasting your and your audience's time by doing this.
Don't Upload Blurry Content A death sentence to your YouTube career is uploading a long streak of blurry videos with very poor quality.
Sure, this might decrease the video's memory and it may help you upload videos faster.
However, if you want good YouTube promotion and marketing, you can only do that with quality videos under your belt.
Don't Be Afraid Perhaps the most important thing to remember is to never be afraid.
This is the paralyzing force that keeps most people in all forms of Internet marketing from really making money.
You have to be out there, and you have to be willing to really promote yourself if you want to get any views.
Conclusion Successful YouTube promotion isn't difficult, especially if you have fresh content.
Just don't be too heavy-handed in your approach, be confident and you will have a good career with YouTube.
Whether you want to join their affiliate program, or if you are just using YouTube as a portal to get people to your main website, it is a very effective medium for garnering views and traffic.
However, many novice publishers are far too heavy-handed with their YouTube promotion, leading to very bad results.
If you want to really impress your audience and do superior YouTube promotion, then make sure you aren't doing any of the following.
Overusing Annotations Having one or two annotations in your video isn't a bad thing, it can actually be funny or informative.
The problem comes in when you have a screen full of annotations, or you have an annotation pop up every few seconds.
It gets distracting, and people are going to leave your video.
So cool it, and limit your annotations to about two or three per video.
Don't Rehash Videos This is especially true if you have TV commercials, but any YouTube publisher can learn from this.
When you are trying to perform successful YouTube promotion, don't upload videos that rehash your older content, this is rarely going to get you any views.
Always provide great, new content to secure the most views.
Don't Prevent Embedding When you upload to YouTube you are able to prevent embedding, and some publishers may see this as a good thing.
You are able to secure your video's position on YouTube, not someone else's website, so you can be sure to get the credit for your work.
However, proper YouTube promotion can only be done through embedding, because this allows people to syndicate your content, which gets you more views and more backlinks.
Besides, if someone wants to embed your video that much, they can do it anyway.
So all you are really doing is wasting your and your audience's time by doing this.
Don't Upload Blurry Content A death sentence to your YouTube career is uploading a long streak of blurry videos with very poor quality.
Sure, this might decrease the video's memory and it may help you upload videos faster.
However, if you want good YouTube promotion and marketing, you can only do that with quality videos under your belt.
Don't Be Afraid Perhaps the most important thing to remember is to never be afraid.
This is the paralyzing force that keeps most people in all forms of Internet marketing from really making money.
You have to be out there, and you have to be willing to really promote yourself if you want to get any views.
Conclusion Successful YouTube promotion isn't difficult, especially if you have fresh content.
Just don't be too heavy-handed in your approach, be confident and you will have a good career with YouTube.
Whether you want to join their affiliate program, or if you are just using YouTube as a portal to get people to your main website, it is a very effective medium for garnering views and traffic.