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How and When the PST Data Gets Prone to Damage

For every corporate organization presence of adept email client has become mandatory.
The email client allows a feasible communication process and makes information sharing easy.
MS Outlook, the commonly used email client is maintained under Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) which delivers the feature of organizing data.
No matter how much benefits MS Outlook can deliver, it might get exposed to some damage as well.
Herein, you can check out some internal data loss situation created in Outlook PST and its recovery options.
What causes corruption issues? PST (Personal Storage Table) is a place where MS Exchange delivers the messages.
These files are very complex and are designed under the concept of relational database system.
PST file maintains data in folder groups according to specific users.
However, Outlook users may often confront with troublesome data loss situation.
The damage issues can arise due to reasons like power sabotage, corruption in header, file size limitation, malicious viruses, deleting emails or unexpected system shutdown.
In such circumstances the following error messages are displayed: 1.
File could not be repaired therefore cannot be reopened.
Error detected in the file path.
Unable to expand the folder Another strong reason for PST damage is the memory limitation.
As you are aware that previous Outlook version were confined to 2GB memory, whenever the file size reaches this limitation Outlook starts behaving abruptly and make the data corrupt.
Even the latest Outlook versions which are provided with 20GB limitation can get prone to damage.
As the files reach near to its limitation it makes the Outlook sluggish, this keeps on increasing and ultimately result in making Outlook PST data corrupt.
How to minimize the PST corruption: To avoid any kind PST data loss situation users should maintain the PST size as small as possible.
This can be done by deleting emails with heavy attachments after they are saved on the system.
Once the items are deleted from Outlook the PST file should be compressed.
If the Outlook starts hanging wait to resume it, never close the application abruptly.
However, if you're already facing PST corruption issues, it's time to opt for a viable Outlook PST Recovery solution.
At the time of PST damage users are unable to fetch data which cause delay in their important work.
To overcome all the above problems users can opt for reliable third party PST repair tool.
Kernel for PST repair is an eminent utility to perform Outlook PST Recovery for entire corrupt, inaccessible and damaged PST files.
The tool can make easy recovery for encrypted PST files as well; once the data is recovered it is saved into readable PST file format.
The tool is capable of recovering notes, calendar information and emails with their properties.
As the tool have interactive user interface and supports MS Outlook versions including Microsoft Outlook 97, 2000, and 2003 as well as Microsoft Outlook Express v5.
0, 5.
01, 5.
5 and 6.
0 users do not have any hassle in conducting the recovery process.
Demo version: To judge the software performance and features, users can make way to the free demo version of Kernel for PST repair.
It work similar to complete version of the tool but limit users to access the data.
To save the recovered data at desired location users have to make purchase for complete version of the tool.

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