Greensboro, Vermont
Best Cheeses:
- Constant Bliss - The cheesemaking process for this raw-milk cheese begins before the milking of the cows has even ended, producing a cheese with delicate flavors from the field: sweet grass and hay, mushrooms and earth. Aged 60 days. The texture ranges from fluffy to gooey.
- Bayley Hazen Blue - A rich, crumbly blue with grassy and nutty flavors, aged between 4-6 months.
- Aspenhurst - Aged at least a year, this English-style cheese is available in only a few select stores on the East coast. The cheesemakers describe the flavor as "full-bodied" and "elegant".
The Cheesemakers:
Mateo and Andy Kehler are brothers who, along with their wives Victoria and Angela, split the tasks of raising cows, making cheese and mastering the art and science of affinage. Using European recipes as a guide, they are making raw-milk cheeses that are uniquely their own. For a glimpse of their cheesemaking process, visit the Jasper Hill Farm website.
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