Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Obesity in pregnancy

Obesity in pregnancy is a very serious condition. It can increase the risk of getting several complications such as High Blood Pressure which leads to Preeclampsia, Toximia and Gestational Diabetes just to name a few. It is also known that obese women are also most likely to miscarry, have a caesarean birth which can cause excessive bleeding and infection afterwards. Babies can be stillborn, premature and can have different issues.

In this age obesity in pregnancy is becoming a big issue. As these women become pregnant it is very important the the doctor/patient discussion is very open. These patients need to know the seriousness of their weight. Many believe now that they are pregnant they can eat all they want because they need to gain the weight and in these cases it can very well lead up to obesity. Nutrition is also a very big issue that needs to be discussed. Yes you do have to gain weight during pregnancy but this should be done the correct way. A very balanced diet and excersise. During the pregnancy you will have weight check-ins every appointment you attend to. You then around the 2nd trimester have a glucose test done to test sugar. In obese patients this test can determine that they indeed have Gestational Diabetes which can endanger themselves and the unborn baby. Gestational Diabetes can lead up to jaundice or above normal weight for a baby. It can also cause stillbirth. In obese pregnant women high blood pressure is a very serious condition that leads to preeclampsia. The can be determined by having a high blood pressure reading and protein in the urine. In a pregnant women this can cause a reduced blood flow that affects organs throughout the body, including but not limited to the liver, kidney and brain. For the baby it can lead to too little amniotic fluid, poor growth and abruption of the placenta. Then also because of the lack of fluid into the tissues your ankles and feet can swell up which is a condition called toxemia.

These are only just a few examples of serious conditions that can occur in a Obese Pregnant women. Nutrition is one of the major key factors in keeping this condition under control. If you are pregnant and obese please speak with your physician and try to get this in control. You do not want to have the risks involved in the disease.

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