Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Proactiveness Is Essential - Overcome Negative Thinking Habits To Excel

"Set your sights high, the higher the better.
Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now.
Realize that nothing is too good.
Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way.
- Eileen Caddy (1917-2006) Belief is the key that unlocks the door of opportunity.
Before anything can happen in reality, it must first take place in your mind.
There is little that can block you unless you give in to it.
Having the positive belief that wonderful things can happen gives fuel to the process of taking action.
Unless there is some initial belief that success is possible, the chance that the needed actions will occur is greatly diminished.
When a vision forms within, at that very moment the possibility of attainment of the goal feels real.
Passion and possibility thinking make the dream come alive-right here, right now, at this very moment.
This next second is the one! It's the perfect moment to make your dreams come alive.
This doesn't mean you have to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
What you do have to do is take a step--then another--and another, until you notice you are making progress.
That fuels your drive and assists in clarifying your vision.
If you look back at your experiences you'll see a trail that proves this concept.
In those things you gained mastery over, you had a belief that you could do so and your positive belief kept you moving.
On the other hand, there were many things you "tried" to do but didn't have the same passion driving your vision.
I'd guess you are no longer doing them, or only do them occasionally and poorly.
Everyone feels limitations.
That's human.
The key is that the limitations were placed on you, by you.
You chose them.
Break through the limitations you've given yourself.
When you build a vision of possibility that thrills you, there is little you can't achieve.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal.
It is the courage to keep fighting that counts.
- Sir Winston Churchill But it is so hard at times to just keep on going-right? There are times when it would feel so good to just stop, or to turn over the tough task or situation to someone else.
Yet through persisting, you can accomplish great things.
I remember seeing an interview with Mohammad Ali.
The sportscaster said it must feel great to be the heavy weight champion.
Ali said, "Right now I'm on top of the world.
But tomorrow I'll have to prove myself again.
No one fight means you are the champ forever.
It's just for that one moment, unless you keep on.
" Will you mess up? Sure.
Will you always have things go the way you want? Only in your dreams.
But-if you keep on you can do amazing things.
The major issue to achieving greatly is your own negative thinking, it's your negative self-talk.
Overcome the anger, guilt, fear that ties you down.
Your achievement is sitting there, just waiting for you to take action.
Again, will you blow it--sometimes, but that's part of the learning curve.
Pay attention and you won't make the same mistake again.
You can soar! Don't be one of those individuals who is afraid to act because you might not win the prize.
Anyone who achieves greatly has failed many times.
And as Churchill says, "...
failure is not fatal.
" Use the knowledge you gained to correct your course and go for it again.
Don't let self-imposed limitations stop you from all you can do, all you can be, and all you can achieve.

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