Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Shoulder Back Pain When Breathing Causes

If you are experiencing shoulder back pain when breathing, then you are probably in a lot of discomfort.
This type of pain can be very distressing and uncomfortable, and can occur every time a deep breath is taken.
Some people who are experiencing this problem simply try to stop taking deep breaths, as this is when the pain can really kick in.
However, this only provides temporary respite from the pain and it is important that a long term solution is sought.
Of course, in order to determine the right solution you need to work out the cause of the problem.
If you experience this pain for a few days and then it subsides it may be down to something as simple as a pulled muscle that has eased.
However, if the pain persists after a few days it is important to seek medical advice, as the cause of the shoulder back pain could be something more serious.
What can cause this pain when breathing? There may be either serious or simple reasons behind the pain that you are experiencing.
If you are unsure as to the nature of the pain and it fails to subside in a reasonable amount of time you should see your doctor.
A medical professional will be able to perform various tests and scans to see what is causing the pain.
Once this has been done he or she can discuss the treatment options depending on what the problem is.
Some of the things that could trigger shoulder back pain when breathing include:
  • Problems with the lungs.
    Any issues relating to the lungs can result in pain when breathing, and people that smoke are especially susceptible to such problems.
    This type of problem will be picked up by your doctor when scans are performed.
  • Issues with the cervical spine.
    Any pressing or pressure on the cervical nerves can result in pain when taking a deep breath.
    Again, this is something that your doctor should pick up in during the diagnostic process.
  • Muscle strain.
    The answer to your pain may be far simpler.
    It could be that you have pulled or strained a muscle in the upper back or shoulder area.
    Taking deep breaths may be putting increased pressure on the muscle, thus causing the pain.
Can stretching help If you have any concerns about the cause of your pain it is important to see a doctor so that the cause can be identified.
However, in order to ease the discomfort that you may be experiencing some gentle stretching could help.
If the problem is due to a trapped nerve stretching could help to ease the pain, stretch and muscles, increase blood flow, and improve mobility.

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