Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Yeast Infections Natural Remedies - Apple-Cider Vinegar

Yeast infection is a common illness that anyone can acquire, though women are most vulnerable to have this infection.
According to the US federal agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated that one in every three women suffers from yeast infection (candida) at least once in their lifetime.
The main cause of yeast infection is a type of yeast called candida albicans.
Candida albicans is not itself a problem.
Everybody has this yeast in the body but their number comes in regulated amounts.
Although candida naturally lives in the body, they can however grow more than the body needs.
When this happens, imbalance in the system can weaken the immunity in the body.
A weak immune system cannot resist the increase of yeast level and the negative impact it has on the health.
This can lead to candida overgrowth resulting to yeast infection, or candidiasis, which can develop into a more serious health issue if left untreated.
There are actually a lot of natural remedies available in the market that could help eliminate all types of yeast infections.
However, most of the prescribed medications that flood the pharmacies nowadays seem to bring more harm than good to the body.
Thankfully, we could always check with Mother Nature for some natural but very potent remedies.
Open your fridge or cupboard or check your backyard, and you will find a lot of herbs and natural remedies for your ailments - be it candida overgrowth or other ailments.
One of the most reliable home remedies for yeast infection is apple-cider vinegar (ACV).
More and more people swear by the power of drinking and applying apple cider vinegar on a regular basis to prevent candida and for general health.
Since vinegar is generally acidic, it is important to dilute apple cider vinegar with water before drinking or applying it to the infected area.
To consume, mix two tablespoons apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
Organic honey can be added to sweeten the taste.
For vaginal candidiasis, mix two tablespoons of ACV in one cup water.
Use a douche to apply into the vagina.
Add garlic to the mixture to increase its antibacterial potency and eliminate the itching and burning sensation brought about by the vinegars acidity.
Apple-cider vinegar has been one of the most reliable yeast infections natural remedies in the world.
ACV is not only a powerful remedy against yeast infections, it also brings the body back in balance and overall wellness.
A lot of people trust the ACV since the old times and a lot of people nowadays are thankful for the benefits of apple cider vinegar to get rid of candida overgrowth and promote better health.
Apple cider vinegar may seem like a simple home remedy, but it is quite surprising how many benefits people can get from it.
Using ACV is not just an effective cure for candida overgrowth, among its many benefits is the power to clear the skin from acne, slow down excessive bleeding during menstruation and relieve gout and arthritis pain.

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