Family & Relationships Conflict

Having Driven Him Away - How Do You Get Your Boyfriend Back?

Relationships are full of ups and downs.
So often trouble comes in the form of a simple misunderstanding, which end up with either party backing off.
This article will attempt to explain why men so often seem to get the message all wrong, and end up leaving, feeling that they have been pushed away when that was never the intention.
There is a thought out there that men like to be waited on and treated like princes.
What can be wrong with that? Well, a number of things.
Yes, of course they like to have everything done for them, who wouldn't? The problem is that they can so easily start to take the other for granted.
What is done out of love, changes into something that is expected.
More and more becomes expected and very often respect is lost.
Men like strong women.
Not in the weight lifting sense, but in the sense that a woman who does not pander to their every whim commands far more respect.
If a man feels he is living with someone with whom he has to also contribute to the running of the home, someone who won't just do everything for him, he is more likely to find that person more of a challenge, rather like the challenge of winning her heart in the first place.
However, a woman does not want to be too business like or competitive.
This is going to the other extreme, the opposite of a doormat if you like.
Being intimidating can cool the intimacy and force some men into themselves.
Try to be ladylike and loving but someone who takes no nonsense and expects the man to be strong and caring.
Try not to put too much pressure on him.
Whilst some women love to talk about their feelings and how they fit into a certain scene, men don't like to be analysed and put into a "box".
They are not good, very often, at discussing their feelings either, and pressure in this area to define feelings and roles can make him run a mile.
It's very important not to try and change him.
Men can be sensitive to change, in that they can take it personally.
Most people want to be loved for who they are, not what they might be.
Any suggestion that they need to change can act like a big warning sign that says "she doesn't love me for who I am, I have to change, I cannot be myself".
Whatever you do, don't take in too much depth about past boyfriends! Sure, he should appreciate that you had other options and should be flattered that you chose him, but going into too much detail beyond general background will seem as if he is being compared, and a negative self examination may be the result.
Sometimes a guy can simply be driven off by either an overly servile partner, or an overly intimidating one.
A middle path has to be found to avoid driving your boyfriend away.

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