Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Attract Women Using Amazing Body Language Seduction Skills

Listen guys - if you've never used body language to get women's attention, you are seriously missing out on one of the most powerful attraction generators ever.
The way you walk, talk, stand and sit are crucial factors when it comes to turning women on.
In fact, whenever a woman looks at you from afar, you can tell she's assessing you and deciding inside her head whether you're worth dating or not.
The biggest misconception is that you need to memorize lines upon lines of romantic words to get women to agree to go out with you.
However, did you know that up to 93% of interaction aspects is dependent on nonverbal signals? Believe it! This means you have to use your body language to make women turn their heads, because these hot, gorgeous women won't stick around to hear you say your clever pick up lines if they've already looked you over and decided they don't want you.
Super Powerful Body Language Methods to Generate Attraction #1: "Voice Sound Quality".
Without looking, girls can tell that a guy is hot just by listening to his voice.
With this said, guys who have high-pitched, feminine sounding voices rarely get the women.
Deepen your voice to a nice, smooth baritone when you introduce yourself to a girl to make her think of you as hot right away.
You see, 'voice' is also considered as part of your body language, particularly in the context of dating and seducing girls.
#2: "Spread Your Body".
Guys who hunch over, sit too straight and wrap their arms around their chest look needy, tense and desperate.
Therefore, if you want to make women think you're a catch, you must lean back and adopt a relaxed posture.
Have an air of nonchalance about you, like you're just mildly interested in what's happening.
This gives women the feeling that you're leaving anytime and they have to rush to introduce themselves to you before you leave the place.
Now you know these two ultra-clever ways to use body language in seduction, let me introduce you to a surefire way to make your efforts count...
When talking to women, make sure you compel them to listen to your words using hypnosis strategies such as fractionation.
Using this tactic, a woman will feel invariably drawn to you, and magnetized by your words.
The next thing you know, she will be emotionally attached to you and feeling sentimental about you.
The best thing about this method is you can use it to make a woman like you in 15 minutes or less.

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