9 Awesome Halloween Party Games from Minute to Win It
Halloween parties feature fun decorations, inventive party food, and guests dressing up in a variety of Halloween costumes. Coming up with entertainment for your guests can be tricky though, especially when you try to think of games that are a little more interesting then bobbing for apples. Fortunately, the game show Minute to Win It was based on great games that you can play with easy-to-acquire supplies, and all of them take a minute or less to complete.
This means that your guests can play lots of different games without a lot of prep work, and all of these games are loads of fun to play.
Dress up as a game show host yourself, put together a list of supplies (and don't forget the stopwatch!), and get ready to have a ball at your next Halloween gathering with the following games.
Perfectly named for the season, Frankenstein challenges players to carry yardsticks that have batteries balanced on either end. The game is so named because you'll have to walk like Frankenstein's monster in order to pull it off. Here's how to set up and play the game.
Dizzy Mummy
When you were a kid you may have played a game in which your friends wrapped you in rolls of toilet paper, and at the end of said game you looked like a mummy. This is basically the same idea, except that you're doing the job solo, and you only need to use one roll of TP to complete the task. There's very little setup involved in this game, and if you ask guests to bring their own rolls of toilet paper you won't need to stock up on supplies either.
Get the instructions for playing Dizzy Mummy here.
Johnny Applestack
Bobbing for apples is not only overdone, but it can be messy especially if you have guests who use face paint as part of their costumes. Eschewing that activity doesn't mean you have to skip the apples altogether, however. In Johnny Applestack, your guests will have to stack five apples to create a freestanding tower. This one is also easy to set up and the supplies are pretty inexpensive at this time of year. Learn how to play Johnny Applestack right here.
What's Halloween without candy? This game uses colored candies (like M&M's, Smarties, lollipops, or any other colorful candy you like) and plastic cups, tasking players to sort the candies by color. It sounds easy enough (and the rules are pretty straightforward), but the trick here is that the candies themselves are hidden under plastic cups, and they have to be sorted into other cups that are placed at random locations around the room. Here's how to set up and play Matchmaker.
Hanky Panky
In Hanky Panky, your only task is to pull all of the tissues out of a full box -- but you can only use one hand to do it, and you have to end up with an empty box in one minute or less. And now I can tell that you're thinking, "How exactly is this a Halloween game?" Well, it isn't really, but you can make it one by picking up those tissue boxes that are decorated with ghosts and haunted houses and little green monsters. Voila - simple party game that sticks with your theme. Get instructions for Hanky Panky here.
Bite Me
The name suggests vampires, but this game actually uses paper bags of different sizes, challenging the players to move them from one place to another using only their teeth. It sounds easy, but you can make the game as difficult as you'd like by changing the sizes of the bags and the height of the podiums they're picked up from and dropped off at. Make this a Halloween-themed game by using Halloween trick-or-treat bags, seasonally decorated gift bags, or plain paper bags stamped with (or stickered with) Halloween motifs. Here's how you can set up Bite Me to play at your party.
Stick the Landing
In Stick the Landing, players toss partially-filled water bottles and must land them on a table right-side up. The bottles must make at least one full rotation in the air before they land. Save up your empty water bottles for a few weeks before the party, then refill them for the game and add some orange, black, green, and purple food coloring to the water (not all in the same bottle silly - one color per bottle) to make them festive and appropriate for your theme. Learn how to play Stick the Landing right here.
Paper Dragon
Paper Dragon is a little like Dizzy Mummy in that it involves wrapping yourself in paper. In this game, however, you're wrapping both your arms in colored streamers by grabbing one end of a roll in hand and then spinning your arms around like an Olympic swimmer gone bonkers. To make this game work for your Halloween gathering, use black and orange streamers. It's really that simple. Here's how to play Paper Dragon at home.
Candy Elevator
You weren't planning on having only one candy-based game at your party, were you? Candy Elevator is a little bit more involved in both the setup and game play than the others in this list, but it's a lot of fun and, well... candy. In this game you'll be pulling an "elevator" made of pencils and kite string, and loaded up with Halloween candy, using a pulley that goes over your ears. The ultimate goal is to eat the candy, of course. It sounds weird but give it a try - the opportunity for hilarity is too great to pass up here. Get complete instructions for setting up and playing Candy Elevator here.
Even More Games!
There are loads of games from Minute to Win It that you can make into seasonal party games. Just use your imagination to come up with themed supplies, seasonal names, or just throw in some candy. Your guests will enjoy playing something new and you'll end up looking like a creative genius. Check out the complete list of Minute to Win It games (there are over 125 of them!) and choose the ones that will suit you, your theme, and your guests.