Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Why Failure Is Great for Your Self-Help and Natural Health Business

It seems to be human nature to fear failure.
We're all, deep down, scared of failing at something.
But the fact is failure is important for your business as a self-help or natural health marketer.
In fact, it's great for your business.
Why? Well, as a self-help or natural health marketer, you help people overcome their problems and achieve self-improvement.
They are seeking to turn their failures into success.
And there are a lot of people out there with a lot of problems and a sense of personal failure.
In order to help them you need to use that sense of failure and know the right emotional triggers that lie behind their fears.
You need to agitate them just enough so they see that their problem (likely caused by previous failure) is something they no longer need to endure.
You show them how much better life can be - but only if they buy your service or product.
By highlighting their personal failures - whether it's an inability to lose weight easily or crippling shyness - and how it affects them, you can then set the scene for offering your solution.
For example, if you underscore the fact that being shy makes your prospect feel self-conscious and lonely, you must counterbalance it by underscoring the many benefits of your product - fulfilling relationships, success with the opposite sex, feeling comfortable and safe in any social situation, more confidence.
Benefits must always be prominent in your sales communications.
Too much pain will put your prospects off.
Just enough will draw them in.
We might not feel comfortable talking about "playing on" people's fears and failures, but it's important to know that all branches of marketing and advertising do just that - think of all the advertisements that agitate the fear of losing money, the fear of people judging us negatively, the fear of losing face, the failure to gain promotion at work etc.
As marketers, you know that the more afraid and dissatisfied someone is, the more likely they are to search for solutions to their problems.
Your tactics certainly don't need to be overly manipulative.
What you need to do is empathize with your prospects, share the story of your own struggle against failure and how you overcome your fear.
By building trust, you build a relationship with your prospects.
Care and compassion can take you a long way.
Persuasive sentences are the key here.
Arousing someone's fear in order to get them to buy a product or service is a skill.
Underdo it and they'll miss your message altogether.
Overdo it and you'll scare your prospect off.
The point is not to make your prospect feel terrible about themselves, but to show them clearly, as if taking them by the hand and leading the way, how the many benefits of your product can enrich their lives.
The fear of failure is so appealing in marketing because it's a universal condition.
And because it's universal, you know exactly how it feels.
That means you can put yourself in your prospect's place and understand how they feel and how their problem damages their life.
Show your prospect how to get what they desire.
Show them that it's easier than they think, and quicker.
And most importantly, show them that they deserve success.

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