Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Article Writing Help For the Novice - 3 Tips

Article writing attracts new internet marketers because it is free and because it appears to be easy.
Are you not sure where to start? This short article gives writing help for the novice.
In the beginning, you may find it easy to write about something familiar.
It is not enough to put pen to paper or punch a keyboard and write a good article.
Although content is king, there are other factors to consider.
Here are three tips to consider as you start your writing adventure and ultimately earn money from your efforts.
1) Title Make sure your title grabs the reader so that he will want to read what you have to say.
Use keywords in your title.
Still, do not stuff your title with keywords.
The title needs to make sense and it should promise the potential reader an answer to his spoken or unspoken question.
2) Keywords Keywords are important.
Without them, there is no exposure, no traffic to your site.
Maintain a balance between content and keywords.
You can easily insert keywords and keyword phrases in your content that are relevant to your content.
Now that the search engines pay attention to Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), there is very little reason to stuff your article with keywords or keyword phrases.
What is LSI? LSI is simply a search engine's ability to find words related to your keyword not by definition of the keyword alone but more by the context of the keyword in the article.
LSI allows the author much more flexibility in his choice of words and, consequently, it allows an author the ability to write better content and still "sell" his product.
3) Brevity Keep your articles short 300 - 700 words should be enough, of course, there are always exceptions.
Remember that readers these days have a short attention span.
Read any documentation on web browsing and you will find that most web surfers do not spend more than a few seconds looking at a web page.
Your article is no different.
There are many more hints and tips that can help writers improve writing skills and earn more money.
Do you want to learn more about article writing? This short article touches only the surface of the art and craft of article writing in internet marketing.
Besides learning the art of writing, you must learn how to market your product with your words and you must learn how to market your own article.

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