Family & Relationships Weddings

Water Games for Kids Pool Parties

    Racing Duckies

    • Kids will have fun racing rubber duckies from one end of the pool to the other. Purchase three or four rubber duckies from a department or home supply store. It is best to only have three or four players participate at a time to avoid confusion. If you can find different colored rubber duckies, that would be ideal. If you can't, differentiate the duckies by coloring the beaks in different colors with permanent marker. The objective of the game is to have children push the duckies from one end of the pool to the other, using only their noses. The child who gets to the other side of the pool first wins.

    Dive for Treasure

    • Kids will have fun diving for treasure that is sunken at the bottom of the pool. Purchase or select items from around the house that will sink in the water. Some ideas include coins, bottle caps, small rocks and toy cars. Throw the items into the pool, scattering them around throughout the pool. Divide kids into two teams. On your mark, children jump into the water, trying to collect as many items as they can. Allot five minutes for searching. The team with the most treasures when time is called wins.

    Water Balloon Cross

    • In this game, children try to fill empty buckets with as many water balloons as they can. Prior to the party, fill about 50 balloons with water and float them in the pool. Divide kids into two teams and place two empty buckets at one end of the pool. The teams form lines on the outside of the pool, across from where the buckets are sitting. The first player jumps into the water, grabs a water balloon and swims to her team's bucket, placing the balloon in it. The player then has to swim back to the side of the pool where she started from, tagging the next team member to go. As soon as the next team member is tagged, he jumps into the pool and retrieves another water balloon before tagging the next team mate. Allow 10 minutes for play time. When time is up, the team with the most water balloons in their bucket wins.

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