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Kiradu Temples: The Unexplored Khajuraho of Rajasthan

Barmer, a rather unknown city of Rajasthan, is gradually becoming quite a tourist spot now. And for what reasons! Temples. Yes, Barmer Rajasthan news confirms that the city is known as the City of Temples or Khajuraho of Rajasthan. What has started tourists' in-flow to this small city is mainly the group of temples, Kiradu Temples.

Those who have travelled to Barmer and visited it here, plan Kiradu temples as a 'must visit place' in their list. Amazing is how the place is still unexplored and uncared for, though Kiradu temples, situated close to Barmer city, is for sure an archeological wonder for India. The route to the actual site is quite raw and rustic, yet accessible by two- and four-wheelers.

Barmer news in Hindi says that this site, rather uncared for, is guarded by a forever-locked gate, the only entrance possible is a small rusty gate close to the main entrance. Now, obviously you can't expect a ticket window, though those who visit the place do come expecting some or the other toll for entrance. And yes, there stands no guard to open the gate, visitors will have to push open the smaller gate.

Once you do manage getting inside, you'll be welcomed by a hoard of goats freely grazing. Once you are through the gates, through the goats, you'd have to trek around. And for sure, say visitors as per the Barmer latest news, the trek is wonderful. Walking down, there's the first temple, the care taker of which is friendly by nature, who'd also brief you about the history of the temple if the need be.

Kiradu was a region ruled by Kirad clan of Rajputs, during 6 to 8th centuries. Back then and till a long time thereafter, it was called Kiradkot. Influence of Gujarati culture is quite evident, the reason of which is that it was Kirads were also the feudal subordinates of Chalukya, Gujarat. Some temples dedicated to Lord Shiva show evidences of Gupta period.

Kiradu is mainly a group of five temples, though are a few others as well. As per Barmer news Hindi, the archeological department, which hardly bothers about this wonderful site, says that Kiradu was once a very prosperous city, estimatedly during 11th and 12th centuries. King Someshwar of Parmar dynasty was the ruler here then, who further tried restoring the beauty of the site. His efforts paid off as the result came out to be so beautiful that some historians started calling it Khajuraho of Rajasthan. Later on, though the complete region was painfully destroyed by Turushka invaders. Although legend says that the site was restored, but it could never get back to what it actually was. Barmer news in Hindi says that earthquake and other natural calamities too have their contribution is the destruction of this site.

Legend and some myths say that a saint was staying here around 900 years back, and with him were a few of his students. The saint, sometime later, decided to explore the region and went off without letting his students know. The students faithfully waited for their teacher, though, in the meanwhile were struck by some deadly disease. However, none of the villagers turned up for their recovery. It was only a poor lady who served them unconditionally and helped them regain health. Barmer Rajasthan news which has visited the site says that as the saint returned and found his students in terrible shape, he got so angry that he cursed the entire region to be destroyed and the people to turn to stone. The saint told the poor lady that the curse would not affect her, and told her to return back as soon as possible, taking care that should not turn back to see the place. However, as the emotional and terrified lady started her trip back to her home, she faltered and turned back to have one last look, which immediately turned her to stone.

As per Barmer latest news, the stone statue of this lady is till date standing nearby. It is now said that anyone visiting the region after sunset would turn to stone. Also, since it was an easy location, it was later on overtaken by the Britishers as well. With continuous invasion, the resident of this heritage city soon deserted the beautiful city.

With hardly any attention from either the government, administration, or other agencies, the city is now reduced to remnants of five temples, one of which is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, while the rest worship Lord Shiva. However, quite interesting is the fact revealed by the archeological department that they have found Jain idols here, which makes them claim for an existence of Jain temple in Kiradu.

Documentaries done by Barmer Rajasthan news inform that the architecture here shows influence of Marwar and Gurjar styles as well. There are a few mysteries surrounding Kiradu, which was first brought to public notice at a grand level by an MTV reality-adventure show, Roadies XI, post which the site has gradually recording some occasional tourists.

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