Top 10 Reasons Why You Need a Good Team to Succeed in MLM
I talk to a lot of people every week.
I enjoy using the phone and getting to know people through that medium.
I am amazed at how many people are fighting to make money at home...
and fighting the battle all by themselves.
I will list several reasons below why I highly recommend that you become part of a functional team that will help you learn and earn in your business.
You don't know everything you need to-- No matter what level of experience you have, you still need to be constantly learning about your business, products and marketing.
You can never master everything.
You can learn much easier from team members than from eBooks.
You will learn a great deal by working with a variety of different people.
Things change quickly online-- You do not want to be using methods that no longer yield results.
If you are working by yourself, chances are you are doing some things that just don't work and are a waste of your time.
Team members can be a great resource for doing "sanity checks" to make sure you are working on the right stuff.
Not everyone is there to help you-- There are a lot of people that just are online to sell you things and not there to help you.
You can not buy your way into success, but you can buy your way into poverty.
Sound coaching by people that have been down the path you are going before you can save you a lot of money and heartache.
You speaking to yourself every day is bad company-- If you are the only person your are in touch with every day, you will convince yourself that everything is alright when that is not necessarily true.
You speaking to you in your mind is not a good thing.
Please trust me on this one.
Can get much more done much faster-- A team of people working together towards common goals will get results faster than individuals plodding along by themselves.
The power of a team is amazing.
Your skills can help others-- No matter how little you may think you know, you know some things others don't.
When you help people learn things, they will be very focused on helping you back.
It is a classic example of win/ win behavior.
Will pick you up when you are down-- Not every day will be a great one for you.
There are ups and downs to every business.
You need others to help you work through tough times and a little bit of encouragement from a team member you trust can help a whole lot when you are down.
A team effort will make more money faster--Most programs pay for building a team and developing leaders.
You can't do either very well if you are not an active member of a team.
You will never lead a team until you are on one-- If you want to be wildly successful in an MLM program, you need to build a team and be a leader.
It is hard to be a good leader if you have never been a good follower.
You got nuts without one-- This may be the most important one.
If you try to do everything by yourself, you will slowly go nuts in the process.
Hook up with a good team and it will be a big plus for your mental health.
I enjoy using the phone and getting to know people through that medium.
I am amazed at how many people are fighting to make money at home...
and fighting the battle all by themselves.
I will list several reasons below why I highly recommend that you become part of a functional team that will help you learn and earn in your business.
You don't know everything you need to-- No matter what level of experience you have, you still need to be constantly learning about your business, products and marketing.
You can never master everything.
You can learn much easier from team members than from eBooks.
You will learn a great deal by working with a variety of different people.
Things change quickly online-- You do not want to be using methods that no longer yield results.
If you are working by yourself, chances are you are doing some things that just don't work and are a waste of your time.
Team members can be a great resource for doing "sanity checks" to make sure you are working on the right stuff.
Not everyone is there to help you-- There are a lot of people that just are online to sell you things and not there to help you.
You can not buy your way into success, but you can buy your way into poverty.
Sound coaching by people that have been down the path you are going before you can save you a lot of money and heartache.
You speaking to yourself every day is bad company-- If you are the only person your are in touch with every day, you will convince yourself that everything is alright when that is not necessarily true.
You speaking to you in your mind is not a good thing.
Please trust me on this one.
Can get much more done much faster-- A team of people working together towards common goals will get results faster than individuals plodding along by themselves.
The power of a team is amazing.
Your skills can help others-- No matter how little you may think you know, you know some things others don't.
When you help people learn things, they will be very focused on helping you back.
It is a classic example of win/ win behavior.
Will pick you up when you are down-- Not every day will be a great one for you.
There are ups and downs to every business.
You need others to help you work through tough times and a little bit of encouragement from a team member you trust can help a whole lot when you are down.
A team effort will make more money faster--Most programs pay for building a team and developing leaders.
You can't do either very well if you are not an active member of a team.
You will never lead a team until you are on one-- If you want to be wildly successful in an MLM program, you need to build a team and be a leader.
It is hard to be a good leader if you have never been a good follower.
You got nuts without one-- This may be the most important one.
If you try to do everything by yourself, you will slowly go nuts in the process.
Hook up with a good team and it will be a big plus for your mental health.