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Putting Off Sex - How it Affects Your Relationship

Does the notion of putting off sex seem old fashioned to you? Do you believe if you don't have sex with him right away he'll leave you? Or are you confused by how long you should make him wait? With sex being thrown around everywhere, and in such a casual way, it is no wonder many are confused by the role sex plays in a relationship.
It may sometimes appear to be the only currency women have to negotiate with.
But think again; there is more.
Sex can sometimes appear to be an instant solution to getting a man.
After all, it's not very difficult and the great majority of women have no trouble enticing a man when sex is being offered.
It's no secret; men like sex.
But consider this; with so many women out and about giving sex so readily, easily and even eagerly, what does it say about you when you behave as they do? To a large extent you're saying you're no more special than any of these women; that you basically belong to that group of women.
But while men do enjoy sex, when they're out looking for a real relationship, they're looking for more.
It may seem unfair, but many men do tend to put women for sex into one category and women for life in another.
So by putting sex out there too soon, you're potentially showing him that you're a woman for sex with little more to offer.
If you need another reason to put off sex, think of how you feel when you're lying in bed in the arms of a man you're attracted to.
Many women confuse a man's sensual touch and loving words for the real thing.
They think that if the man was able to make such tender love to them, their heart must really be in it.
That's rarely the case.
If on the first, second or even third date, you're hopping into bed with him, chances are those words murmured in your ear were meant to arouse, not to show affection.
This is a time when you want to see clearly and by putting off sex, you can concentrate on the true emotional bond you need to build in order to have a meaningful relationship.

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