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Teligistics Provides A Solution For Costly Enterprise Wireless Expenses Through TEAM

There are many factors involved in managing your enterprise wireless expenses. Telecom costs in general can be difficult to maintain, particularly if no on within your organization has experience in dealing with telecom service contracts and the expenses that come with them. Teligistics however, does have this experience. We offer a solution for those battling with telecom costs through an easy to use platform that is accessed completely online. TEAM from Teligistics gives you complete control over your telecom spending and enables you to manage every aspect of your telecom costs from your wireless services to internet, local and long distance and other aspects of your contract.

With complete telecom asset management from TEAM, you can avoid bothersome disconnect notices and those late fees that can really add up over time. TEAM will also provide you with an audit of your bill to ensure that you are not paying for invoicing errors. In a nutshell, TEAM will ensure that you never pay more for your telecom services than what you should be paying per your contract. In fact, Teligistics can help you to get a better contract and one that offers a better pricing structure. We are in constant daily negotiations with telecom providers from all over the world. We have the knowledge of the industry and the experience needed to get you the contract that best covers your specific needs.

If you have tried unsuccessfully to manage your telecom spending, Teligistics can help. We can provide you with the mobile device management that you need to ensure that you are paying exactly what you should be paying for these services. TEAM will manage your inventories as well as costs, contracts, assets, circuits and MACDs or Moves, Adds, Changes and Disconnects. TEAM provides you with complete management for every single portion of your telecom contract, ensuring that your organization saves money and stops overspending on these services.

Teligistics can provide you with complete telecom cost management through TEAM as well as contract negotiations, procurement and telecom request for pricing. If you are currently unsatisfied with your telecom services or costs and want to change your contract, we can help. We boast a 98 percent re-engagement rate and have procured more than $6 billion in telecom contracts for our clients. Feel free to continue to browse our website to learn more about the services that we provide or contact us directly at Teligistics today.

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