Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Back Your Ex - How to Resolve the Nagging Questions That Weigh Down Your Heart

Your relationship with your lover has already broken up and now he/she has become your ex.
There are two obvious possibilities why the relationship broke up: either the fault was yours or it was that of your ex.
You want to fix up a meeting with your ex to sort out the matter and get him/her back.
The question before you is what to say to your ex and how to say it so that you achieve your objective.
There can be numerous mental barriers in the process.
The first one is taking the initiative itself.
Requesting a meeting with a person who has become incommunicado since the breakup is itself a great challenge.
Your ex may refuse to meet or just postpone it on one pretext or another.
An outright refusal would add insult to injury; a postponement may also dampen your efforts at patch up.
You may become apprehensive: What if your ex postpones it again? Would it not be a dead end? What would you do then? How would it be possible to accept 'the defeat'? And suppose your ex accepts your invite for a meeting, how would you break the ice? What would you say to start the conversation? If you honestly believe that the relationship broke up due to your fault, how would admit it without feeling humiliated? How would you look into his/her eyes without hurting your self respect? And if you are sure that the fault lay with your ex, how would convince him/her of the same? Would your lover admit his/her fault easily? Would it not worsen the matters further? And what if your ex stubbornly refuses to admit his/her fault bringing the relationship to dead end? The answers to these and a host of similar other questions become all the more difficult, unpredictable and tormenting if you are sure you cannot live without your ex and know no way how to succeed in getting him/her back.
Fortunately, there is a way out of this complex and harrowing situation.
Whatever be the cause of your breakup with your lover, it may be infidelity, loss of interest and dispute for whatever reason, your relationship can be brought back to old love and warmth.

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