Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Jeans Vs Genes - Losing Weight After Pregnancy

The baby is born and mom's focus turns to other things like sleep deprivation, dirty diapers and losing weight after pregnancy.
Many new moms expect the weight to just drop off.
After all, the pregnancy is over and the fat stores are no longer needed, right? For some lucky women this magical disappearance of pregnancy pounds overnight is a happy reality.
Other moms find themselves still struggling to lose those last five pounds when their "baby" is accepted to college.
The Gene Factor Women often bemoan their fate, accepting the extra love handles as part of motherhood.
Pointing to skinny women with babes in arms, many are tempted to excuse this anomaly as a lucky twist of genetic fate.
Genes can play a contributing role in losing weight after pregnancy.
Yet it is not fair to skinny women, or women who want to lose those pregnancy pounds to place the sole responsibility of weight loss on genetic factors.
Other Systems at Work: Lifestyle, Diet and Your Body After Pregnancy There are many subtle workings such as diet, lifestyle and the delicate balance of body systems that all play a role in losing weight after pregnancy.
Certainly, the amount of weight that is slated for removal is an enormous factor.
The more weight there is to lose, the easier success can be in the beginning.
Chemicals which govern the body's fat loss or storage mechanisms decrease as the pounds come off.
This means the last few pounds are indeed more stubborn.
Again this does mean the last five pounds will be a permanent addition to the bottom line.
It does mean that more effort might be needed to shake them loose.
Eating for Two Diet after pregnancy needs to be carefully evaluated to be certain it is providing all the nutrition mom and baby need.
Weight loss needs are also factored into the very best diet after pregnancy.
The goal of weight loss should not be entirely a post-pregnancy concern.
The whole consideration of expectant mother's eating habits during pregnancy usually pinpoint the needs of her growing child.
Yet nutrition in pregnancy and chosen pregnancy diets directly affect the ease of shedding weight after baby's arrival.
Metabolic Type Eating right, getting the body up and moving as well as incorporating other healthy lifestyle choices, all combine to kick sluggish weight loss genes into fat loss overdrive.
There is a way to make lifestyle and genes work together.
The results are synergistic.
Ever stop to wonder why one diet calling for high protein consumption is wildly successful for millions, while another fad diet calling for the exact opposite meal plan is equally raved about by millions of others? The truth is different bodies have different metabolic functions.
Knowing what metabolic type your body is, and then feeding it accordingly unlocks weight loss and weight maintenance potential with an ease most women never dreamed of.

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