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How to Make a Woman Fall in Love - 3 Special Secrets to Make Her Feel That Way About YOU!

Wanting to make a woman fall in love is a natural desire for you to have and when you REALLY want to get past all of the games and just make her fall in love with you, you want to have a real method to make this happen. By design, men and women can be VERY different when it comes to things that will trigger the feeling of falling in love, and you have to know what these little differences are if you want to make her feel like that about you.

Here are some tips to make a woman fall in love with you:

1. You have to bring some excitement into her life. What you really want to be able to do is to make her look forward to seeing you, so being bland and boring really is out of the question. Don't be the kind of man that is so basic and plain that she feels no excitement at all. Not if you want to make her fall for you. Instead find out what makes her feel excitement and then GIVE her that feeling.

2. You cannot be dominant over her. Too many guys when they try and figure out how to attract women will try and become a little too much of an alpha male and try to be dominant over a woman. The vast majority of women are not going to get turned on by this, they are going to get turned off and you are going to end up like the classic jerks that they try to avoid. Be a man, but don't try to dominate her.

3. If you want to make her fall in love with you fast, make her head spin. The best way to do this is to make her feel like she is being caught in a whirlwind romance, the kind that women always dream of and fantasize about. Of course, this sounds a little intimidating, to try and be that guy, but it's what you NEED to do if you want to make her fall for you very quickly.

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