Expect From a Leader What You Are Willing to Give to a Leader
Is it fair to expect from a leader, what you are not willing to give to a leader? While the expectations of leadership continue to grow, it would be an act of avoidance for each of us not to take the time to answer this question honestly.
Mentally, conceptually and morally we have all created our own definitions and acceptances of what we expect from our leaders.
This expectation is not limited to those in our political or workplace leadership roles.
It expands to our family and spiritual leaders as well.
Expectations have become both a formal and casual way of life for all of us.
An expectation is a great tool in establishing standards in delivery and receipt.
But when you don't show care in the establishment of an expectation, you can easily jeopardize the acceptance in the validity or the buy-in of the receiving party.
Many people expect more from their leaders than they expect from themselves.
It is common for any of us to have expectations of: * Knowledge * Experience * Morality * Motivation * Understanding * Will * Commitment * Respect * Patience * Wisdom * Organization * Honesty * Appreciation * Gratitude This list can go on for ever.
Rightfully so, expectation should exist.
But this expectation should not be one sided.
Expectation does not recognize a title or pay grade.
It identifies itself as a shared responsibility between leaders and their teams.
It requires care on both the delivery and the receiving end of its application.
When care is not applied to the application of expectation, the results are limited to what many people would consider to be wishful thinking.
This is a result of not receiving the buy-in of the receiving party.
Buy-in is not a complicated task to achieve.
Taking the time to learn how the expectation will negatively effect and or benefit the receiving party will demonstrate to the receiving party that you are being considerate of their situation within the expectation.
The size of your consideration will not always matter.
It is the demonstration of consideration that will be appreciated in most cases.
Not taking the application of expectation serious is a loss to both the leader and the team members.
Often, expectations set the bar for achievement.
Therefore be careful and considerate of what you expect of your leaders, someday they may expect the same of you.
How do you feel about expectations relating leadership? I'd like to know.
Mentally, conceptually and morally we have all created our own definitions and acceptances of what we expect from our leaders.
This expectation is not limited to those in our political or workplace leadership roles.
It expands to our family and spiritual leaders as well.
Expectations have become both a formal and casual way of life for all of us.
An expectation is a great tool in establishing standards in delivery and receipt.
But when you don't show care in the establishment of an expectation, you can easily jeopardize the acceptance in the validity or the buy-in of the receiving party.
Many people expect more from their leaders than they expect from themselves.
It is common for any of us to have expectations of: * Knowledge * Experience * Morality * Motivation * Understanding * Will * Commitment * Respect * Patience * Wisdom * Organization * Honesty * Appreciation * Gratitude This list can go on for ever.
Rightfully so, expectation should exist.
But this expectation should not be one sided.
Expectation does not recognize a title or pay grade.
It identifies itself as a shared responsibility between leaders and their teams.
It requires care on both the delivery and the receiving end of its application.
When care is not applied to the application of expectation, the results are limited to what many people would consider to be wishful thinking.
This is a result of not receiving the buy-in of the receiving party.
Buy-in is not a complicated task to achieve.
Taking the time to learn how the expectation will negatively effect and or benefit the receiving party will demonstrate to the receiving party that you are being considerate of their situation within the expectation.
The size of your consideration will not always matter.
It is the demonstration of consideration that will be appreciated in most cases.
Not taking the application of expectation serious is a loss to both the leader and the team members.
Often, expectations set the bar for achievement.
Therefore be careful and considerate of what you expect of your leaders, someday they may expect the same of you.
How do you feel about expectations relating leadership? I'd like to know.