Health & Medical Acne

How to Get Rid of Acne Almost Overnight - 3 Mind Blowing Tricks You Should Not Miss at All

If you have a date or even worse, are preparing yourself for prom night then acne would be a word dotted with apprehension, depression and tension.
But, do not worry, since these 3 tricks will help you get rid of acne almost overnight.
Trick No.
1 - Open up those pores.
The first trick is to understand that opening up those pores will hasten the healing process and calm your inflamed skin.
Remove make up, clean your oily skin with a cleanser with a good toner and wash your face with a mild ph neutral soap.
Your cleanser and toner should have anti-bacterial properties to kill any bacteria that might be trying to spread the infection.
Trick No.
2 - Flush out the toxins from inside.
Drink extra glasses of water and if possible, carrot juice to detoxify your body and flush out stubborn toxins from inside your body.
This will reduce the size of existing inflammations and prevent new acne from popping up on your skin.
Trick No.
3 - If you must pop, pop it right the first time.
If you must pop that boil, then at least pop it right so that it does not erupt again in anger.
Use a hot, wet cloth or cotton ball to open up the pore after cleaning it thoroughly with a good cleanser.
Start pressing the sides of the boil and let the pus escape from the center.
If you have to use a pin to pop it, then at least sterilize it by holding it over a naked flame for around 15 seconds and cleaning it with alcohol.
Regularly scoop up the debris with a cotton ball until it is deflated and empty.
Clean the pimple using an antibiotic cream and get a good night's sleep.
These 3 tricks will ensure that your acne vanishes almost overnight and a regular regimen of a good diet, pore cleaning and thorough cleaning will deter any date-destroying acne in the future.

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