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Contemporary Fine Art: Children of the Naked King

In our times young specialists holding degrees in the sphere of art are graduated by not only the Lithuanian Academy of Arts, but also by a number of secondary schools of higher and high education as well as colleges. Since in emphasizing professional approach contemporary art is on a par with the classical art, in what follows I would like to devote some attention to those who have completed their studies at art institutions, the so-called fine artists engaged in drawing, i.e., painting.

Over the past few years the concept of „auteur painting" has developed, which is more commonly known as the „not-for-everybody art". This refers to the fact that the newly-emerged and popular painting styles and trends have stepped far beyond the average connoisseur and devotee of art. The posh terms like expressionism, abstractionism and an infinite number of their combinations take one by surprise. If in the 80-90s of the past century it was still possible to identify the mainstream trend like realism, which gradually let its positions to abstract art, impressionism, nowadays it is virtually impossible to identify and distinguish specific terms pertaining to creative styles, let alone the idea of acquiring all the definitions and formulations of trends in fine art.

Fine artists themselves are frequently much more reserved in defining the manner of their performance, unlike those attributing themselves to  the category of specialists exploring and researching  art; fine art devotees presenting and promoting art at commercial markets and auctions. In spite of this all academic art institutions enroll yearly new students willing to learn to paint. Where the degreed fine artists disappear every year, where they find jobs and what is their further fate have all become rhetorical questions which can hardly be answered. There is one optimistic thing about this: the fact that in the present-day chaos of art terms and trends the youth have not yet lost a naive hope that, in pursuit of beauty and by means of academic institutions, talent succeed in getting through.

It has to be acknowledged that the majority of the people who have graduated from higher art institutions can paint quite well (and have become draftsmen) indeed, but there is only a few per cent of those who are really marked by their unique auteur style, handwriting, who have chosen academic walls specifically for the purpose of enhancing and further developing their talents and, speaking in broader terms, could rediscover themselves.

As far as concepts like Lithuanian art history and traditions are concerned, even a most optimistic Lithuanian citizen will think of dull, heavy paintings which characterize the nation‘s fine art. It must be acknowledged, however, that on many an occasion this is due to the fact that Lithuania has a relatively small number of sunny days and artists physically do not see the sun, nor the depicted objects in proper lighting. Modern life rhythms do not allow artists to work for long periods of time in front of their work, which used to be the norm in Kramskoy‘s, Repin‘s and Levitan‘s times, when, having set a certain creative task for themselves, fine artists could devote as long as entire months or even years  to merely one painting. Contemporary fine artists give preference to simpler and more understandable art means to develop an art topic, which require neither a significant amount of time, nor particularly strenuous moral or physical efforts. It is for this reason that in the majority of Lithuanian galleries the visitor is often lost faced with the fact that he/she is asked to pay a large lump sum of money for the canvas depicting uncertain objects in a rather careless, vague and unclear manner. It should be pointed out that oftentimes the canvas itself is worth more than the painting on it. However, should the visitor have any questions, there will definitely be a person in the gallery to explain what precisely constitutes the price (this issue deserves an article of its own and will be explored in a separate article) so that by the end of the conversation the visitor will feel themselves but a savage barbarian who has been so impudent as to interfere into the subtle world of art. By contrast, one might point out that, when walking along Pilies Street at the heart of Vilnius‘ Old Town, one may see numerous paintings by local fine artists sold at reasonable prices and characterized by an understandable plot and rather prosaic, easily recognizable objects. Upon comparison of these two themes – galleries and street fine art – one finds themselves questioning whether they do not have a slightest idea about what art is to acquire a painting with an unidentifiable plot at the gallery for unreasonable money, or they have no taste, since they are much more inclined to buy plain and affordable paintings from street artists.

The aforementioned definition the „not-for-everybody art" is fairly conspicuously and frequently quite successfully cultivated in the contemporary art world, for hardly anyone will be willing to admit they understand nothing in the trends of art, let alone to appear tactless to the imagined efforts of pseudo-artists. Anyway, it is commendable that people have not yet exhausted their patience and desire alongside steadfast determination to conceive the art that is unknown, incomprehensible, and at times, alien to them.

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