Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Get Rid of Pigeons From the Roof

    • 1). Locate areas on your roof that attract pigeons. Observe where the pigeons tend to nest or linger. Typically, you'll find pigeons on high, out-of-the-way areas such as awnings, rafters, attics and wide, flat ledges.

    • 2). Install tactile repellents. These deterrents simply make the area uncomfortable for pigeons to land. The most common pigeon repellent is a spike strip, which you can buy online or at hardware stores. You can also make a do-it-yourself spike strip with chicken wire.

    • 3). Set up a scarecrow. Pigeons will shy away from a lifelike-looking scarecrow, provided that it changes positions from time to time. You can also set up a windsock that looks like a predatory bird.

    • 4). Hire a professional to apply chemicals and poisons. Environmental laws and local ordinances put tight and varying restrictions on the use of poisons and other lethal methods of pigeon control. Rather than risking fines or other legal action, it is best to enlist the help of a professional pest-control company for more drastic pigeon-population reduction.

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