Family & Relationships Conflict

3 Step Plan to Get Your Girlfriend Back

After a breakup it's important to identify core issues while repairing your communication.
Below is a three step plan to help get your girlfriend back.
Identify With Her Issues Getting your girlfriend back is never as easy as saying "I'm sorry".
It's a phrase that looses meaning unless your girlfriend is convinced you know why you're sorry.
Often you'll have to dig under her words to get to the core issues surrounding the relationship.
Can you truly understand why she wants the relationship to end? If you don't understand what you did wrong, then saying you're sorry is meaningless.
Step out of your shoes and take her perspective.
When you can identify with her issues, and understand why it's so important to her, you'll know how to resolve your problem.
Repair Your Communication The most important aspect of every relationship is communication.
Unfortunately, after a breakup communication can become severely damaged to the point where your girlfriend won't return your calls.
To repair your line of communication you have "clean the slate".
If you've been calling or texting your girlfriend repeatedly, she's most likely started ignoring you.
You have to break that cycle and change her expectations.
Stop all communications for a week or two, and when you do talk avoid confrontation at all costs.
Transition From Friend To Boyfriend The hardest part of every reconciliation is transitioning from friends to a couple.
If you regain her trust and start talking again without hostility, you might get stuck in the "friend zone".
You aren't arguing anymore, but she just wants to be friends.
The best approach is to accept her offer initially.
Spend time together to regain her trust.
The more time she spends with you, the more comfortable she'll feel.
It's when she lets her guard down that she'll entertain the thought of giving you another chance as a boyfriend.

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