Business & Finance Personal Finance

Top 10 Questions That Will Transform Your Finances

A lot of people are really struggling with rising costs and shrinking pay
checks.  If you're one of the people caught up in that struggle, here are
the Top 10 Questions you can ask that will Transform Your Finances.

1.  What could I do to raise the money I need for that?  The next time you are planning a purchase that will put you in debt, whether
it's a car that you're going to be making payments on or something you're going
to put on a credit card, ask yourself how you could raise the money for it
instead so that you can pay for it in full.  If you're willing to ask this
of yourself on a regular basis you're going to start getting some very powerful
answers that could radically alter your life.

2.  How can I put my money to better use?  This question assumes that there is always a more effective way to use your
money.  Living this question will hone your radar for opportunities.

3.  How could I put my money to work for me?  This is an especially powerful question for people living paycheck to
paycheck.  Instead of using your money to survive, how can you use your
money to thrive?

4.  How can I use my money to make more money?  Use this one to start moving into the realm of passive revenue and a life
that has your money doing the work instead of you. 

5.  What attitude, belief or assumption do I need to change about
There's always work to be done and new ground to be taken in our attitudes
about money and all the areas of our lives that are affected by it.  What
are your attitudes, belief and assumptions?  Which one could you work that
would have the biggest impact on your finances?

6.  How do the people I spend my time with affect my financial well
If you took the 10 people in your life that you spend the most time with and
averaged out their income, it's probably going to be what you're currently

What are their beliefs about money?  What do they encourage you to do
with your life?  Are they the kinds of things that you want more of in your
life?  What do they discourage you from doing?  Do they give you the
support you need to move away from the things that are keeping you from being
more successful?

Consider adding people to your circle of friends that already have what you
want to achieve and encourage people to live their dreams.

7.  What can I do today that would have the biggest impact on my
Who could you talk to?  What expert could you hire?  What have you
been avoiding?  Tackle the one that's going to give you the biggest bang
for your buck - literally.

8.  What could I learn that would have the biggest impact on my
Where do you need to raise your financial intelligence the most?  Start
in the area that will have the biggest impact.  Unfortunately, that's often
the area that we work the hardest at avoiding. 

Perhaps you need to figure out a way to raise your income, maybe you need to
learn more about managing the income you already have, or maybe it's way past
due for you to start educating yourself about investing.

9  Who could I have on my team that would have the biggest impact on
my finances? 
Maybe it's time to hire a coach, find a mentor, hire an expert or recruit a
friend into a new role in your life.  Who would have the biggest impact?

10.  What talents, skills and abilities could I use to have an
immediate impact on my income? 
How can you leverage what you already have into having an immediate impact on
your income?

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