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In Christianity It Is Okay To Ask Questions: In Fact, It Follows The Example Of Jesus

Question Anything A life without questions is a life unlived.
Question with intellectual integrity and with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Ask and answer questions.
Listen to the spiritual questions people have because these declare that they are curious and looking for answers.
Listen to people's questions because in them you will find what they value, how they thing, and where their wounds are.
Listen to questions and give a God-answer.
Ask questions; lots of them.
Ask them of your pastor.
Ask them of your parents.
But most importantly, ask them of the Great Teacher.
In your questions you will better see yourself.
In His answers your heart will be revealed.
The disciples argued over who would be the greatest in heaven (Luke 9:46).
The question revealed both their ignorance of Kingdom dynamics and hearts of pride.
Yet, Jesus still answered them.
The great and radical John the Baptist asked "Are you the Christ?" (7:20) and showed his doubt.
Jesus did not rebuke his doubt but told his disciples to remind John of the produce of Jesus' life.
Jesus, while eating dinner with Levi, was asked why He ate with sinners and frauds by the pastors and seminary teachers of the day (5:30).
Their question revealed a religious heart and a misunderstanding of why Jesus came to earth.
One day Jesus and His disciples were walking through a field plucking the heads of grain off of wheat and eating them (6:2).
The teachers of the law saw this and were upset that Jesus and His students were breaking the laws they had added to the scriptures.
This is a great snapshot of how the scribes and Pharisees consistently looked to the law to argue with Jesus instead of the heart.
Their questions revealed their hearts in the same way that our questions reveal ours.
Jesus asked questions in order to probe the heart and to lead men into a deeper truth and understanding of how the kingdom worked.
He never questioned just to be argumentative, to prove a point of law, or to protect Himself.
Jesus, in all His conversations and questions, led people to freedom.
We can do the same.

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