Video: How to Edge your Garden Beds
Video Transcript
Hi! I'm Scott Reil on behalf of I would like to talk to you about tree and shrub maintenance. Hi! One of the most important things that you could do in taking care of maintaining your garden and property is the edging. Why is the edging important? Well if you got a lawn and most Americans do the first thing your lawn wants to do is climb into your garden beds edging is the way that we keep that from happening. Now there is a couple of different ways to do it, there is the good old way fashion way a bed edger. Now this is the at least expensive way to do it but it is also the most time and labor that you are going to have to put into it basically we go one edge of our lawn and we step and we stomp and we cut a edge all the way around and then we dig out the turf. That is a lot of work. A lot more work then I'm willing to put into it. I like to do edging one time thing and we are done with it. So lets go to our next method this is one that you see people using a lot in there yards on that is still in my yard just because it is keeping this walkway that the previous owner put in this is plastic edging and I don't much like plastic edging for a couple of reasons. Some of them you could see here plastic edging is low down to the ground now that is just up enough to where you could put a trimmer blade on the edge but because it is so loaded to the ground it lets the weeds and the grass creep up over the top seed in and eventually you are going to end up with that same problem that you wanted to try to avoid grass on the side of the bed that you don't want. Now it is a lot more expensive but my favorite way to edge is stone whether it is stones that you find around your property or in this case a Belgium block that I have actually gone out and purchase this is going to give you a structure that is high enough up to catch that blade, tall enough where it doesn't let a lot of the seed and weeds creep over the top and most importantly it gives you a nice finish professional look to your garden. It helps hold the munch into the inside, it helps keeps the grass come out from the outside. So as far as maintain your beds go good edging is one of the most important things that you could do to save yourself a lot of work so don't scheme.