How to Do the Parsva Dhanursana Pose in Ashtanga Yoga
- 1). Create flexibility in the hamstrings and hip joint by using Setu Bandhasana, the Bridge Pose. Lie flat on your mat, with knees bent, feet flat on the floor a hips-width distance apart. Inhale and lift the hips completely off the mat as you extend both arms overhead until the back of the hands are on the floor. In this modified version, press the feet into the floor and direct your tailbone away from the hips. Remain for five breaths. Lower the hips and rest. If the upper back is tight, repeat the pose with the arms by your sides, palms flat on the floor. Repeat either version three to four times. Rest.
- 2). Kneel on the mat, knees apart hips-width distance and your legs straight out behind you with the tops of your feet pressing into the floor. Inhale, lift the chest and lean back until you can place your hands on your heels. Continue to lift up through the chest and slowly drop the head back with control, pointing the chin to the throat in Ustrasana, or Camel Pose. To exit, lift through the chest to come up and sit on your heels. Rest. Repeat three to four times. Rest.
- 3). Lie flat on the belly for a smaller backbend. This is a variation of Salabhasana. Extend both legs straight behind you and interlace your hands behind you. Inhale and lift the chest off the mat, pointing your chin towards your throat. Draw the shoulderheads back, widening the collarbones. Actively reach your legs back, tops of the feet pressing into the mat. Rest. Repeat two to three times. Rest.
- 4). Bending your knees, grasp your ankles and flex the feet. Like Salabhasana, inhale and lift the chest, draw your chest forward. Lift the legs as if you were placing your heels on the ceiling above you. Remain for five breaths. Rest. Repeat two to three times slowly. Rest.
- 5). Repeat again and now roll your body to the right so you are on the outer right edge of your shoulder, hips and leg. Keep holding your ankles with your hands. Remain for five breaths. Roll onto the belly and to the left, keeping a hold of your ankles. Remain for five breaths. Roll back onto the belly and remain for five breaths. Release the ankles, rest by sitting back on your heels, forehead on the floor, arms straight by your sides in Balasana, the Child's Pose. Rest for several breaths. Sit up on your heels to exit the pose.