Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

What Do You Know about Grandma"s Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis is commonly used as the prototype for inflammatory arthritis.
The incidence rate is approximately 3%, with two to three times greater occurrence in women.
RA primarily occurs in the synovial tissue where phagocytosis produces enzymes within the joint.
The enzymes break down collagen causing edema, proliferation of the synovial membrane, and ultimately pannus formation.
Pannus destroys cartilage and erodes the bone and the consequence is loss of articular surfaces and joint motion.
Further, tendon and ligament elasticity and contractile power are lost.
It is not just a single disease and it can affect people at any stage of life.
Arthritis is a complex disorder that comprises more than 100 distinct conditions.
Arthritis literally means joint inflammation which can affect joints in any part of the body.
Joints are places where two bones meet.
Manifestations of arthritis may vary, usually reflecting the stage and severity of the disease.
Classic symptoms include joint pain, swelling, warmth, erythema and lack of function.
The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Conversely, these two have very different causes, risk factors, and effects on the body yet they share a common symptom of persistent joint pain.
Since, this disease affects the joints, the agility and mobility of the person can be significantly impacted as it progresses.
7 Beneficial Vitamins that Every Arthritis Sufferers Should Know AboutA deficiency of vitamins in the body can lead to a variety of health problems, which includes some forms of arthritis.
As a substitute in getting your Recommended Daily Allowance throughout your diet is to take vitamin supplement.
The following are lists of vitamins identifiedhelpful to persons with arthritis:Vitamin B3This type of vitamin lessens the swelling of tissues, widens narrow arteries snd increases the flow of blood.
Bear in mind that Vit.
B3 is not recommended for a person with liver disorder, gout or a person whose blood pressure is high.
Vitamin B5When grouped and tanked together, B vitamins work at their peak.
B vitamins especially B5 y, are good for reducing swelling.
Vitamin B12This also helps with digestion,cell formation, production of myelin and protection of nerve.
Vitamin B6This also aids in reducing tissue swelling.
Vitamin CThis works as antioxidant,pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, Vitamin EThis vitamin is an anti-oxidant that protects and enhances flexibility of joints Vitamin KVitamin K aids the mineral deposits into the bone matrix.
The causes of arthritis are still being researched these days.
For most forms of arthritis, the causes are unknown.
It appears that arthritis may be caused by many factors.
The positive aspect is that at least some of these factors can be controlled.
Clearly, a healthy diet and a regular exercise will go along way towards arthritis relief.

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